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News from the Front
- 49
- posts
- New Donation Gildwiller1918
- By Kenny Andrew,
- 3
- posts
- Thread starter privileges
- By Kenny Andrew,
Discuss Militaria
- 2.5k
- posts
- Opinions on this M.42
- By Fritz,
- 731
- posts
- 1.4k
- posts
- Narvik Schild 1940
- By Fritz,
- 931
- posts
- Medals to Captain V.T. Gloster-Downing
- By leon21,
- 619
- posts
- Sturmflut Medaillen, 16. Februar 1962
- By Fritz,
- 2.7k
- posts
- 578
- posts
- Edged weapons, 1933 - 1945
- By Fritz,
- 2k
- posts
- WW1 Era French Berthier 07/15 Rifle
- By Gildwiller1918,
- 1.4k
- posts
- Brotbeutel
- By Fritz,
- 767
- posts
- ww1 Leichte Minenwerfer ammo box straps
- By Fritz,
- 285
- posts
- 322
- posts
- WW2 Aviation Photos
- By Fritz,
- 251
- posts
- Outstanding Naval Photos
- By Fritz,
- 1.2k
- posts
- SS canteen tokens
- By Kenny Andrew,
Other Topics
- 307
- posts
- Books - Bücher, antiquarisch
- By Kenny Andrew,
- 592
- posts
- 137
- posts
- Famous people who served their country
- By phantom,
- 1.1k
- posts
- 608
- posts
- Next on my list
- By Fritz,
- 420
- posts
- Russian toy soldiers
- By 72 usmc,
- 167
- posts
- Battlestar Galactica
- By Kenny Andrew,
- 1.5k
- posts
- Die Deutsche Wochenschau - Newsreel
- By Fritz,
- 1.3k
- posts
- Merry Christmas
- By Fritz,
- 663
- posts
- German General Anton Dostler
- By Fritz,