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  1. Fritz, slight correction, The broach technically is for the "Weiblicher Arbeitsdienst" or old "Frauenarbeitsdienst" but is most recognized as the "Arbeitsdienst fur die weibliche Jugend " or RADwJ for short. There were several makers including Assman, Gustav Brehmmer, and Deumer. The cloth cap insignia " Mutzenabzeichen " was produced by Gunther & Windthrath GmbH Wuppertal and there are six known makers of this type, to note the sleeve shield or "Dienstellenabzeichen" was probably manufactured by Gunther & Windthrath ( G&W ) as well. I look forward to conversations in the future. Gwar
    2 points
  2. After some research I believe this to be from Anstie cigarette packets from 1915, there were 85 different ‘cards’ in the set of which I have 29. Thanks for the help and suggestions, Jack
    1 point
  3. It would be nice to see those, I have only seen ones of countryside and city scenes before. They possibly would of been even more useful than the other types due to the lack of home grown deserts to practice in and the lack of prominent features that could be used as indicators.
    1 point
  4. Translation: "We refer to your Email of 27.02.18, with which you enquired as to the War Cemetery in Kaltenbrunn, today known as Tirschussola, as to the graves of members of Husaren-Regiment Königin Wilhelmina der Niederlande Nr.15. We apologise for answering so late. Due to the vast amount of chronists, researchers and historians who request for information from our data bank, we can only answer these enquiries gradually. Since the opening of the borders in the East we have been confronted with a vast number of enquries from families as to their relatives on such gravesites, and which take first consideration. We must also point out that the processing of enquiries of historical or local nature are not the responsability of our Association. The Volksbund does not have the status of an archive. The former War Cemetery of Tirschussola is held in the records of the Volksbund. According to our records 47 fallen were buried at this cemetery at the time. Of these were 31 dead from Husaren-Regiments 15 and 16, of whom were 20 from the Husaren-Regt. 15and 10 from Husaren-Regt. 16. For 2019 a task force from the Bundewehr has been planned for the restauration. Attached are all available photos of the cemetery for your information." - We are a private organisation, which is dependant on donations from members and promoters from the general public. Please support the difficult humanitarian work of the Volksbund. We would be delighted to receive a donation for our activities. Please use the following bank details. Rabobank, Ysselstein Venray Nr. 1593.04.733 BIC: RABONL2UXXX IBAN: NL74 RABO 0159 3047 33 (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr für die Richtigkeit!)
    1 point
  5. Work is supposed to be starting sometime in the new year with the support and direction of the Volksbund Deutscher Kriegsgräberfürsorge and a team from the Bundeswehr, possibly also with local support, as often. After the fall of the Iron Curtain, the Letts did try to upkeep and repair damage to the cemeteries, they also kept, maintained and used original records as far as possible. During the communist years there were many cases where local people upkept some graves and set up candles, e.g., in Hungary. Work is also supposed to be starting in the New Year in Hamburg-Wandsbek with the restauration of the Husaren-Denkmal. A restoration specialist from Berlin has got the contract from the Denkmalamt Hamburg. https://www.volksbund.de/kriegsgraeberstaette/tirschussola.html
    1 point
  6. Great news the site has been found again. Hopefully some one will now look after the graves. It's a shame these men have been forgotten for all these years.
    1 point
  7. Tirschussola (Kaltenbrunn), Lettland (Latvia) This information about the site of the graves at Tirschussola has just been received and passed on to me from Deutscher Kriegsgräberfürsorge in Holland via a contact there: "Wir nehmen Bezug auf Ihre Email vom 27.02. d.J., mit der Sie sich nach dem Soldatenfriedhof in Kaltenbrunn, heute Tirschussola, erkundigt haben, auf dem die im Ersten Weltkrieg gefallenen Angehörigen des Husaren Regiments Königin Wilhelmina der Niederlande Nr. 15 erkundigt haben. Dass wir Ihnen erst heute eine Antwort geben, bitten wir zu entschuldigen. Anlässlich der Vielzahl von Anfragen von Chronisten, Forschern und Historikern, mit der Bitte um Auswertung unserer Unterlagen bzw. unserer Datenbank, können wir diese nicht immer wie gewünscht oder zeitnahe bearbeiten. Wir sind seit den Grenzöffnungen im Osten mit einer Vielzahl neuer Aufgaben konfrontiert worden, daher können wir nur Anfragen in erster Linie beantworten, die sich unmittelbar auf gefallene/vermisste Familienangehörige beziehen. Ergänzend müssen wir Ihnen auch mitteilen, dass die Bearbeitung von Anfragen zu historischen oder ortschronistischen Zwecken keine satzungsgemäße Aufgabe unseres Vereins ist. Der Volksbund hat auch keinen Status eines Archivs. Der damalige Kriegerfriedhof in Tirschussola ist in den Unterlagen des Volksbundes verzeichnet. Laut der uns vorliegenden Belegungsliste wurden auf diesen Friedhof seinerzeit 47 Gefallene bestattet. Davon waren 31 Tote Angehörige der Husarenregimente Nr.15 und 16. zum Regiment Nr. 15 gehörten 20 und dem Regiment Nr. 16 zehn Gefallene an. Bei einem der Gefallenen ist keine Regimentsnummer verzeichnet. Für 2019 ist ein Arbeitseinsatz der Bundeswehr zur Instandsetzung auf diesem Friedhof geplant. Im Anhang finden Sie die uns gegenwärtig vorliegenden Aufnahmen der Anlage zu Ihrer Kenntnis." - Wir sind als private Organisation auf Spenden und Beiträge von Mitgliedern und Förderern angewiesen. Bitte unterstützen auch Sie die schwere und humanitäre Arbeit des Volksbundes. Über eine Spende für unsere Aktivitäten würden wir uns sehr freuen. Nutzen Sie hierfür bitte die unten angegebenen Bankverbindungen. Rabobank, Ysselstein Venray Nr. 1593.04.733 BIC: RABONL2UXXX IBAN: NL74 RABO 0159 3047 33 Translation to follow later.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. An interesting picture by a well known artist of his day, unfortunately, forgot to note the name, but signature looks like Karl Müller, Hambg, 99. The scene is between 22. March 1897 and 1903. On the left is a Musketier (Gemeiner) of 2. Hanseatisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 76 - clearly visible is the Reichskokarde on his cap, introduced on 22. March 1897. The Man on the right is a Gefreiter (collar buttons) of Husaren-Regiment Nr. 15 in Wandsbek. The falling hair Busch on the busby was replaced by a new standing white horsehair hackle in 1903. He has probably made a gallant remark to the lady opposite, much to the annoyance of the rather "steif" young Hamburger at her side.
    1 point
  10. Invitation and Program for the unveiling of the Memorial, 9. June 1923
    1 point
  11. An undated photo showing Husars in various uniform types. A recently taken photo of the von-Hein-Straße in Wandsbek, over 100 years later, if not exactly the same spot, it must be quite near to that spot, an interesting comparison
    1 point
  12. new pictures posted, this topic under 24. April 2017
    1 point
  13. Just received some photos of regimental interest. One photo is of Ewald von Trauwitz-Hellwig, the author of the regimental history, and another of his brother, Otto von Trauwitz-Hellwig in the uniform of Husaren-Regiment 17 (wearing an Adjutantenschärpe over the right shoulder). Another photo is of officers during a manoever, centre, seated, Oberstleutnant von Schuckmann, commander of the regiment from 1907-1909, standing to the left is an officer from a Garde-Grenadier-Regiment, another is from Grenadier-Regiment 12. Author of the Regimental History 1914-18, published in 1931 Ewald von Tauwitz-Hellwig The brother, Otto, Adjutant in Husaren-Regiment 17
    1 point
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