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Found 8 results

  1. Deutsche Heldensagen by Gustav Schalk, undated, published by Verlag Neufeld & Henius, Berlin, there is ink-written owner: Willy Rose, April 1933. I remember the version on my father's bookshelf from the earliest days, it was much nicer, had a blood red cover with a black figure of a knight and by a different publisher, better quality, and dated 1897, by Weidenfeld & Co., Berlin, if I remember rightly. It also had more colour plates, but the text is unaltered. To the Nibelungen illustration is a later colour plate from a newspaper article, identical to the one in my father's book. This illustration depicts Hagen von Tronje sinking the Gold hoard of the Nibelungen in the depths of the Rhine. German and Nordic mythology mixed with historical events from earliest times to the middle ages, full of war and intrigue, Courage, noble loyalty and betrayal. I was always fascinated by this book. Cover versions of the edition I remember.
  2. WANDSBEKER HUSAREN by Hans-Werner Faerber, Verlag Otto Heinevetter, Hamburg 1991 Probably the only publication to appear on this subject since the regimental history in 1931. Very well written, and the subject of life-long research by the author, who was at home in Wandsbek for many years and having served as a senior officer with the Bundeswehr, including many years on the staff of the Bundeswehr Hochschule in Hamburg. Well illustrated in black and white with reproductions of many historical photos and documents accumulated over the years. Along with the original regimental histories very much recommended. German Text, has not been republished in recent years and copies have become increasingly scarce.
  3. A most interesting autobiography of a Belgian born soldier of the Leibstandarte, of which I got a copy of a recent edition at the time, just over ten years ago. Herbert Maeger was born in the post WW1 years in a Belgian part of the Ardennes, which had belonged to Germany before 1914. His father had served in WW1 with the Königin-Elisabeth-Garde-Grenadier-Regiment No.3 in Berlin-Lichterfelde. Shortly after the German occupation of Belgium in 1940, the territory was re-annexed. One day his mother had carelessly made a remark about Hitler, and was reported by somebody from the neibourhood. The family promptly got a visit from the Gestapo, who then offered that atonement could be accepted if the son volunteered for military service, which he did. Herbert Maeger was of a good height and was accepted by the Leibstandarte, and he made his way to Berlin-Lichterfelde, where his father had served years before. Maeger served mostly on the Eastern Front, and in Yugoslavia. He also saw service at Dieppe in 1942, when the Canadians attempted their landing there. His unit had been sent there shortly before to recover from their spell in Russia. At one critical point during the Allied invasion of Italy, they were rushed to defend, and were issued with Italian tropical uniforms, which they were rather impressed with. In the last days of the war, he passed through the hell of the infamous Halbe Kessel but managed to get through, and proceeded on foot to the West. He made some horrifying discoveries in a wood southwest of Berlin, and described in some detail the carnage that had been inflicted shortly before by Russian troops on about 50-60 female Luftwaffe signals assistants there, many being raped and mutilated. He was later captured, but had wittingly got rid of his uniform and other items just before. He explained that he was a Belgian forced labour worker and was trying to return to Belgium - he spoke fluent French. He later managed to get released, being given a handwritten declaration of his status in Russian. Somehow he managed to get to the West with other German POWs and managed to avoid being sent to Belgium, where reprisals would have been taken on him. He finally managed to end up in Krefeld, and be reconciled with his family, who had left their home in Belgium, and he remained there, taking up a career as Verkehrsdirektor in Krefeld until his retirement, later writing his memoirs, which were then published. After the war (in Belgium) he had been sentenced to death in absence, and never has been able to return to Belgium. This status lasted for many years. It is hard to image that such sentences can prevail in a civilized European Community, where death sentences are long passé. The last publication was by Weltbild in Augsburg around 2005. The orginal title of his book was "Verlorene Ehre, verratene Treue" - which was playing on the motto of the Waffen-SS, "Meine Ehre heißt Treue" The book has also been published in English, as I just noticed - see illustration. Herbert Maeger in later years.
  4. Some old copies of "Der Wandsbeker", which was a successsor to the original "Wandsbecker Bote", originating from Matthias Claudius in the late 18th Century. These issues are from 1970, 1972 and 1973 Two appartently complete issues of "Wege zur Heimat", monthly edition of the "Wandsbeker Bote" dating from June 1936 and February 1939, in frail condition. These contain articles of local historical interest. As a comparison, recent editions of Wandsbek Informativ. In one of the brochures was a copy of an old print depicting the "Elbbrücken" in 1818, which were built by Napoleons troops during the occupation. This had been the first bridge of its kind over the River Elbe connecting the city of Hamburg with Harburg, Lower Saxony (Hannover), which had become a province of the French Kingdom of Westphalia under Jerome Napoleon. The bridge was used for many years until it finally collapsed. It was not rebuilt until an agreement between Hamburg and Prussia was signed in 1868. Prussia had taken over the former Kingdom of Hannover after 1866. Given by Nancy Riedel
  5. A very recommendable publication: DIE DEUTSCHE ARMEE IM ERSTEN WELTKRIEG by Jürgen Krauss, published by Verlag Militaria, Wien and is the official catalogue of the Bavarian Army Museum in Ingolstadt. Published around 2005, 0ver 639 pages, should be still available, cost 99 Euro. Also available in English, but haven't seen this yet, I don't know if the original German terminology has been included in the text. It is always better to have the original correct terminology when describing items, as there is no real English equivalent. Higly recommended for collectors, Museums and as a general reference work. Most of the items depicted are from the Bavarian Army Museum, the Heeresgeschichtliches Museum in Wien and from the Militärmuseum Dresden, as well as private collections. However, in the footwear section, the iconic "jackboot" is hardly covered and the only example shown, is of boots from the late 1920s or early 1930s. The nailing of the soles in this configuration is wrong for WW1, toe plates were not introduced till around late 1920s or early 1930s, as seen on WW2 examples, exact date of introduction I cannot say. Boots of the WW1 pattern with the typical side seams did also appear in WW2, but to a much lesser extent. Collectors be warned! Last photo from another source shows a typical WW2 configuration of boot nails, heel irons and toe-plates. Toe plates were not worn in WW1, these were typically Wehrmacht and probably appeared in the last years of the Reichswehr, late 20s - early 30s. There were no rubber soles - Helden tragen keine Gummistiefel! Boot soles stud configuration as in WW1, this example is however, from WW2
  6. First published in English by the author John Pimlott, this has appeared at the Kaiser Verlag with the title "Die Luftwaffe" in 1998, and subsequently 2001 and 2010. Still easily available, I'm surprised at myself for not paying more attention to this at the time. I was surprised to see one of the many featured, hitherto unpublished photos was with Walter Neusüß - ! So, this will be the next book on my list. Unfortunate at the time, that I was unaware and therefore unable to show this to his daughter.
  7. Here is a fine old household illustrated "dictionary" or pocket encyclopaedia from the pre-war years. There are colour plates in this, which would horrify all modern-day politically correct democrats, including a colour plate of flags of the British Empire, Commonwealth and World Nations, including "Nasty Germany". (above named category as many have no humour nowadays), as well as international medal ribbons, and general topics.
  8. A good book, if you are collecting Imperial Russian and Soviet awards and militaria, this was published around 1989/90 by the Treasury of the Order of Lenin State ´History Museum, and is titled: Russian and Soviet Military Awards, by V.A.Durov, long out of print, but if you look under Amazon, books etc., you may still find this somewhere. I got my copy in the early 90s, when lots of Russians came over here, selling their little bits and pieces and even more!
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