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Came across the remains of a bison mobile pillbox at the props and pistons event. I must admit I had never seen

one before or even heard of one. I believe very few survived the war, and are very rare. This one was found in a

farmers field in Sleaford Linconshire and removed to the heritage centre for safe keeping, it's not in the best of

condition but maybe it could be restored at a later date.


Here's some pics

pic 1.......When it was deliverd to the heritage centre.

pic 2....... I took at the airshow.

pic 3 & 4... Restored one at the tank museum in kent.

pic 5........ Original photo c1940.






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pics 3 + 4 are actually from Bovington tank museum in Dorset not kent :)


it was a novel idea but never would have worked very well. They were used as airfield defence, etc mainly.


These and many other crazy armoured vehicles are documented reasonably well in Armoured Fighting Vehicles of WWI and WWII... oddly enough available at most Dobbie shops for about £4




Sorry Raf getting my county's mixed up ;)





Thanks for the info Greg. ;)


Dobbie's has a lot of great cheap tank, ship and aircraft books... I take it as the 'aww honey I don't want to shop for plants'... 'yes dear but if you come with me to dobbie's I'll buy you a book about tanks'... ok! .... basically that is the conversation with my wife every time, so good on Dobbie's for at least keeping me happy! :starwars:

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