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EK2 Spang by Wilhelm Deumer - Wiederholungsspange 1939 zum Eisernen Kreuz II. Klasse 1914

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Here I show an EK2 Spang by the top quality maker Wilhelm Deumer.
Wiederholungsspange 1939 zum Eisernen Kreuz II. Klasse 1914
It's a Prinzen size (smaller than the standard one) hence only 2 prongs to the rear rather than the usual 4. Beautiful patina and frosting. This would be really hard to upgrade!





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"SPANGE" - do you know the correct pronunciation?
I had one like that many years back, and also two different miniatures.
A friend of mine had in his school days, mid 1960s, a perfect example of the 1st class verion in it's original case,
both in mint condition. The 1st. class is now extremely hard to find.
I have had a few 2nd class examples over the past years, this is my only example remaining.


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