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The British Number 5 Jungle Carbine


Source  The libertytreecollectors reference library photo overview of a Lee Enfield NO. 5 Jungle Carbine. There are many more photos here to view at the source.



"This page contains a list of firearms pictured for reference purpose only. These are not for sale. We maintain this pictorial data base for collectors who need to compare features or identify model variations."

END OF QUOTE  source for library   https://www.libertytreecollectors.com/productcart/pc/viewcategories.asp?idCategory=82


SOURCE to  No. 5 Junglr carbine photos :




The British No. 5 Lee Enfield, most of the time nicknamed the “Jungle Carbine" (JC), has a somewhat similar action as found on the No.4 Enfield. However, the JC is shorter and has a different stock with a rubber buttstock pad and its barrel has a cone shaped conical flash eliminator. Unlike a No. 4 series Lee Enfield, the JC action has reductions in the heft of the receiver and bolt to lighten the weight of the carbine. A Jungle Carbine weighs approximately 7 pounds 1 once, in contrast a full size No. 4 Lee Enfield British rifle weighs approximately 8 pounds 11 onces. source (Stratton 2003: pp.8, 12). The Jungle Carbine was in production between 1944 and 1947 and manufactured at two factories: ROF, Fazakerley (169,807), this is near Liverpool, England, and BSA, Shirley(81,329), which is near Birmingham, England. source (Petrillo 1994:p.27). Update correction Jan 2023. Alan De Enfield has suggested new data as a correction to Petrillo's figures:


...those figures have been shown to be incorrect. (A GB) member here MkVII has researched and found the actual "Small Arms Deliveries" No. 5 Passed Inspection for goods inwards, and, the total is almost 100,000 'extra' at 339,023 if my correction is correct. Here is the list he (MkVII)has posted previously on 'receipts by month'.

Copyright MKVII 


Source: https://www.gunboards.com/threads/what-is-a-jungle-carbine-worth.1233214/page-2#post-11172970



The Jungle Carbine is a short sexy sporting-like British military rifle that kicks like a mule when fired with its .303 cartridge. Too say the recoil is aggressive is an understatement, if you are old or on blood thinners, five shots will leave a black & blue mark on your shoulder. Its primary problem was its inability to hold its zero point after it is sighted in. Source (wwiiafterwwii, JWH 1975: pp. 9-11) The rife was adopted for the military in September of 1944 and declared obsolete in July of 1947.

The great influx of surplus No.5 Enfields entered the United States sometime after 2004. The first one I encountered was at a sporting shop in 2006. Most seem to have Century Arms International (CAI) import marks on their barrel. I knew nothing about the No. 5 Enfield. The first one I saw, I had to have.

Prior to the influx of CAI imports, few original JCs were commonly available. Many a company were making converted replicas for hunting or target shooting. An individual could not just go out and easily find an original WW II Jungle Carbine or for that matter a U. S. M1 Carbine. Most were aftermarket copies. At this time, 2006, the best informative treatise on the web about the British rifle was found on the now gone Surplusrifleforum (SRF). This 2005 treatise describing the No.5 Enfield was a classic and will be reproduced below. There were way too many replica Jungle Carbines and after seeing my first original, I was unsure how to identify an original.

In the United states, in 1968 the assassination of President John F. Kennedy Jr., served as the catalyst for the Gun Control Act of 1968. This put a damper on imports. They ceased. Then in 1986, portions of the 1968 law were modified by a law passed by Congress in 1986 called the Firearms Owners Protections Act.  President Reagan repealed and modified aspects of the 1968 law. It allowed for the interstate sales of rifles and shotguns and importation of surplus firearms. The Second Great Golden Age of surplus firearms, the late 1980s, all of the 1990s, and into the turn of the century had just began. Many new collectors and shooters purchased the dime a dozen surplus military rifles entering the U. S. knowing little about them.

I got my first look at a surplus Enfield Jungle Carbine in 2006 and was hooked. The problem was while looking at an original Jungle Carbine in the sporting shop, I had no idea if it was an aftermarket rifle or an original. I needed to do some research prior to its purchase. That is when I discovered this informative 2005 post by Tikirocker about the Jungle Carbine. The author provided the information I needed to make my purchase of my first JC. Then I got a copy of the 1994 pamphlet written by Alan Petrillo titled The Number 5 Jungle Carbine. Armed with my new knowledge, I went on the search for more Jungle Carbines.

Century Arms International (CAI) flooded the market with real Jungle Carbines. At $129 the JC Enfields were a deal to be had. So many were buying a specimen that by 2008 Tikirocker started a Jungle Carbine production serial number survey on SRF(now lost). I finally ended up with two select examples of No. 5 JCs for each production year (1944-1947).

Prior to the 2006 Century Arms importation of original Jungle Carbines, many were producing look-a-likes. In the mid 1950s and 1960s Golden State Arms was modifying No.4 Enfields to look like Jungle Carbines. Val Forgett’s Gibbs Rifle Company in 1991, refurbished and distributed converted No. 5s. Later in 2003, Navy Arms got into the act making replica Jungle Carbines also from converted No.4s. As a result, around 2006-2007 there was a good number of aftermarket JCs on the market and buyers did not know how to identify an original JC from an aftermarket JC.





VISUAL REFERENCE GUIDE - Rifle No5 Mk1 Fazakerley



There was a remarkable dearth of information on the subject and I was not familiar with Charles R. Stratton’s published works. I found this 2005 informative article, A visual reference guide - Rifle No5 Mk1 Fazakerley, to contain great descriptive photos and an outline of the attributes found on the No.5 Enfield carbine.

This visual reference guide was originally posted by TikiRocker on SRF. He was gentleman from Australia and a moderator of the SRF forum in the USA. With the great influx of surplus rifles and a need for their identification, he posted some incredible informative posts back around 2005-2013. He provided a series of visual reference guides for Enfield rifles because at that time, few books were written about surplus military firearms. This information has been lost to the web. While dated, this 2013 edition has been retrieved from the Wayback Machine Archive.

This historical SRF post by Tikirocker titled, The VISUAL REFERENCE GUIDE - Rifle No5 Mk1 Fazakerley is a classic reference and is reintroduced below. The red is updated information by advanced Enfield collectors since the 2005 edition. The purple are my added comments.





1 - Only two factories manufactured the No5 Mk1;


a* Royal Ordnance Factory (ROF) Fazakerley (F) in Liverpool.

b* BSA Birmingham Small Arms, Shirley (M47C).


2 The official approval date of the No5 Mk1 was 12th Sept 1944. Production numbers are an ongoing area of study, please see the No5 Mk1 Serial Number Survey at this forum.

a* Fazakerley Production - generally given to be 169,807, with an unspecified number to be added. Manufacture generally assumed to have ceased December of 1947. At this writing the No5 Serial Number survey supports this assertion as the latest serial number we have recorded for ROF is AC6252 - 12/47.

b* BSA's contract is said to have been terminated short of the original 100,000 rifles, finishing at 81,329. However, observed serial numbers from the ongoing survey here, and Skennerton's own assertians, support the fact that production continued through 1947-1948.


3 - Production markings on the Fazakerley models are found.

a* On the left flat of the receiver between the receiver ring and ejector screw. It is common for Fazakerley No5's to have all production information, date, year and serial number (electro-pencilled) on the receiver.

b* BSA No5's have a slightly different system for production markings with the model designation - (No5 Mk1) - usually being E/P'd - (electro-pencilled) - on the left flat of the receiver. The factory markings and serial number are engraved on the left side of the butt socket/receiver wrist.

c* It must be noted that BSA markings very often run from faint to non existent and may be difficult to detect.

d* Another difference between ROF and BSA is that ROF maintains month/year in the production data, where BSA only provides the year.


4 - Matching Serial Numbers. (LIST OF LOCATIONS )

a* ROF serial numbers can be located on the left flat of receiver, rear flat of bolt handle, left side of barrel knox beneath hand guard, sometimes on the inside of the trigger guard and base of the magazine from mid 1946. The underside of the fore-end was approved to be serial number stamped late in 1946.

b* BSA serial number can be located on the left side receiver wrist/butt socket, rear flat of bolt handle, left side of barrel beneath hand guard and in other places mentioned above, though not as commonly.

c* Serial numbers for all No5's are a maximum of 4 numbers with a single or double letter prefix. Usually you will see a 4 digit serial number on 99% of No5 Mk1's, but there are instances of 3,2 and single number codes also. The main point being that a 4 number serial is the limit in the numerical sequence . If you have a rifle with a 5 digit serial number then you will likely have a No4 conversion and not a No5.


5 - Lightening of the No5 Mk1, unique parts and weeding out fakes. (ATTRIBUTES OF A JC)


a* All No5's have a hollowed and lightened bolt handle. Some No4's are observed to have the hollowed bolt handle also. Not to be confused, the diameter of the No4 bolt handle hole is smaller than that of the No5.

b* The barrel of the No5 Mk1 has unique fluted lightening cuts in the barrels nocks. These are a key identifier of a legitimate No5 Mk1 and no other Enfield rifle has these.

c* The No5's butt stock is uniquely shaped, it is heavily hollowed and lightened from the inside, has a sloping wedge cut recess in the right hand side and is fitted with a unique rubber shoulder pad. The butt cap with D shaped sling keep integral is located on the right hand side.

d* No5 Butt stocks came in three lengths, Long marked L, Normal, and Short marked S. The Long butt is 1/2" longer than normal and Short is 1/2" shorter than Normal.

e* There is a noticeable difference in the style of cut in Butt stock recess of ROF Fazakerley and BSA M47/C produced rifles. The BSA recess is a little rougher and appears skewed by comparison to the ROF recess.

f* We see the capped fore-end beginning in early 1946. Some were found on the early 1944 experimental models but the majority are post war. It was requested that a fore-end cap be introduced for protection of the fore-end itself and also to guard against moisture entering the end grain. There are two distinct shapes of fore-end cap, early trials rounded sheet steel cap, and squared sheet steel cap with brass rivets.

Note Corrections by Alan De Enfield to 5f, (2018)


I would like to take the opportunity to correct another 'bullet point' in the original post :

We see the capped fore-end beginning in early 1946. Some were found on the early 1944 experimental models but the majority are post war. It was requested that a fore-end cap be introduced for protection of the fore-end itself and also to guard against moisture entering the end grain. There are two distinct shapes of fore-end cap, early trials rounded sheet steel cap, and squared sheet steel cap with brass rivets.

I could go into great detail but will just leave it to Peter Laidler to answer - after all he was there, & he was repairing the No5s.

No 5 Capped Forends

It was pointed out to me that originally, the fore-ends were left OPEN for the tropics (Malaya etc), but would be closed off for temperate climes. This didn't work in practice because we saw hundreds of 'capped' fore-ends in service there. And as sure as night follows day, they'd rot out underneath so, if the fore-end was still sound, we simply removed them and make good the woodwork by rounding off. And once they'd been rounded off, you couldn't tell whether they were originally 'capped' or not. This didn't happen to the No4 of course because the fore-end caps were open at the top while the No5's were enclosed if I remember correctly.

DO NOT varnish the woodwork as it does indeed seal in the moisture. Just leave it open and well oiled with linseed. Even the jungle couldn't defeat a well linseeded fore-end (well, it did occasionally, but after many years.....) My dad always said that a polish with French polish or button polish did allow the wood to breath if you wanted a bit of a shine or even good beeswax furniture polish. Anything that leaves the pores clear

One further point was that most of the big armouries had the No5 rifles muzzle down in the racks to prevent the oil attacking the old rubber butt pads. Later ones seem to fare better as they had a high neoprene (?) content. I suppose being muzzle down didn't help when the wet fore-end was draining down into the cap

When No5 forends were not available, he would be forced to modify No4 forends and he has written a detailed article on how to do so, and fill in the channel left once the No4 is cut down to length and profile.

If the No5 'action' (MOD call them 'bodies') were damaged they were replaced with No4 actions (bodies), so you could end up with a No5 rebuilt with No4 woodwork and a No4 action. And - Not a Bubba in sight !!!

Peter Laidler again :

I think I mentioned earlier that when we were doing the big Crown Agents FTR programme, it was priced (so I was told) that if 70 came in, 70 went out and if some were ZF’d (scrap) then they’d be replaced from our ANZUK (I think this was Aust, NZ and UK stockholdings) mobilization stores from the huge …., and I mean HUGE Ordnance stockpiles close by at Johore Bahru. So we would cannibalize No5’s and if necessary, send them out with No4 bodies.


g* The No5 Mk1 stock bolt is lightened and waisted. (the JC has a hollowed out bolt knob)

h* Backsights are designated the No5 Mk1 machined, or Mk2 pressed sheet metal expedient ladder sight, both with a maximum setting of 800 yards. These are not to be confused with the 1300 yard Mk1 sights as found on the Rifle No4. The Mk2 backsight is seldom seen and was declared obsolete soon after WW2 ended.

i* You will not find the rectangular lump on the front right side of the receiver wall unlike a No4 receiver. There are several milled lightening cuts on both right and left hand side of the No5 receiver. A key identifier between the No4 and No5 receivers is the stepped cut on the left side of the No5 receiver behind the charger bridge and beneath the back sight. The rifle No4 continues in a straight line by comparison.

j* The action cover loop of the No5 trigger guard is an hour glass loop and waisted, unlike the even U of the No4 cover.

k* The No5 has a unique conical flash eliminator at the muzzle end with bayonet lug beneath. (This distinctive flash eliminator is attached to the barrel by two steel cross pins. A Bayonet stud is positioned on the bottom of the flash cone.)


6 - The bayonet for the No5 Mk1 is itself designated the Bayonet No5 Mk1. An 8" Bowie style bayonet, the No5 Mk1 was manufactured by Wilkinson, Viners, Elkington, ROF Poole with Radcliffe involved in some assembly.

a* Early Wilkinson (WSC - S294) bayonets have only one rivet in the handle. Later bayonets all have two rivets in the handle.


7 - Many No5 Mk1 rifles will be found with the BNP British Nitro Proof mark, later used as a Commercial Proof mark for Export Sale. These test proof markings are also found on the barrels on No5’s.

NOTE UPDATED  # 7 INFORMATION by Alan De Enfield on Thu Jan 25, 2018

Edit to correct statements in red:

Many No5 Mk1 rifles will be found with the BNP British Nitro Proof mark, later used as a Commercial Proof mark for Export Sale. These test proof markings are also found on the barrels on No5's.

a) BNP does not mean "British Nitro Proof", there are two proof houses in the UK (London & Birmingham), so it can be identified who undertook the proofing the London House Mark is NP (Nitro Proof) and the Birmingham House is BNP (Birmingham Nitro Proof)

b) The 'proof marks' marks have been a 'civilian / commercial' mark in England since 1637 and all guns sold must have such a mark, it is illegal to sell a firearm without valid proof marks. Military firearms are exempt, but often carry military proof marks. These military proof marks are not acceptable as civilian proof marks and any military firearm that is for sale ON THE UK CIVILIAN market must have UK civilian proof marks (NP or BNP)

c) When military firearms are sold to purchasers outside of the UK then they are NOT "proof marked for export", the purchaser can opt to have them proofed if they require it, but it is not a UK condition of export.


8 - Rifles stamped with 'ENGLAND' saw service or were supplied to countries outside the U.K through government agencies.

NOTE UPDATED INFORMATION by Alan De Enfield on Thu Jan 25, 2018

Edit #8 to add corrected statements shown in red:

We do not mark "England" on firearms exported, the importing country will have its own regulations (example US pre-1968 insisted that country of origin was stamped on the rifle). To avoid problems at (say) US Customs, some of the importers would use a UK bonded warehouse and employ local workers to stamp "England" (or whatever their countries requirements were) onto the rifle. Others would have a bonded warehouse in the US where the stamping would be undertaken prior to going thru customs.


9 - For detailed information on Serial Numbers, refer to the No5 Mk1 Serial number survey. This is now dated, but can be found on the Wayback Machine Archive.

An incomplete list from SRF members can be seen for a 27 June 2017 save at the link below. Later updates seem to be gone.




Overall Length = 3ft 3.5"

With Bayonet = 4ft 0.1"

Weight W/O Bayonet = 7 lb. 1oz

With Bayonet = 8 lb. 3oz

Rifling = 5 groove Enfield.

Twist = Left Hand, 1 turn in 10"

Groove Depth = .005 in.

Width Of Grooves = .0936 in.

Muzzle Velocity = 2,440 ft/sec

Below are Tikirocker’s original 20 fantastic photos in the order he presented them:






















Addition comments by 72usmc are in purple.

10   The stock is shorter than a No.4 with a different buttstock than the No4.The butt plate is a steel bracket with a rubber recall pad and a sling swivel crossbar attached. There is no brass butt plate. The wood fore-end is cut and shortened, while the hand guard is longer on the JC then on a No.4. The front barrel band will be positioned 8 inches from the front edge of the receiver, not 10 3/4 inches.


11   The trigger guard has metal removed and is slightly thinner and a different shape than a No.4


Information that was compiled over some 20 years disappeared from the web when the SRF forum ceased. The original re-post of Tikirocker’s above post in its original format can be found on the Wayback Machine Archive….

Link:     https://web.archive.org/web/20190203210832/http://www.surplusrifleforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=382




Is that “Jungle Carbine” Real or Fake?


Here is a another classic:  Is that “Jungle Carbine” Real or Fake? This was posted July 22, 2013 in Rifles by Othais. This short article is as good as it gets and is reproduced here as a quote in case it too disappears off the web due to its age (this is worth printing out as a reference to save). Better pictures that are missing below are shown at the web link.


“With the US firmly in the fight of WWII and Russia turning the tide on the Eastern Front, the British finally had a chance to properly reinforce their former holdings in the Far East.  Part of this effort was the lightening and shortening of the Short, Magazine Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk I rifle.  The new carbine was intended for combat in the dense jungles of Burma, Malaya, and China and would only need to be accurate up to 400 yards.  A simple shortening of the barrel and fitting of a more sporting stock got the length down.  Some additional milling shed still more weight.  Other features of the No.5 can be found here, ( dead link due to age )  so let’s continue on to spotting a real one.

The nickname “Jungle Carbine” seems to have come from the Malayan Emergency.  This was never an official designation for the No.5 Mk I.  It was, however, picked up by importers in the U.S. and the handy little .303 proved popular.  The long No.1 Mk III* rifles were the Mosin-Nagants of their day and could be had for as little as $20 at the hardware store.  Many were “upgraded” by importers to imitate the No.5 and improve sales.  These were marketed as British “Jungle Carbines” and began to cause a fair amount of confusion.  When the No.4 rifles came over the same treatment awaited them and conversion kits can still be bought today.

So how can you tell if your rifle is real or fake?  Well, the easy ones to spot are the converted No.1 Mk III* rifles as they have generally round features and lack the receiver-mounted rear aperture sight.  Instead the original barrel-mounted leaf sight is still present.  No special attention needed.  But what about the No.4 conversions?  The No.5 is a direct variant of this firearm.

Well here is a list of easy tells:

◦ No.5 rifles should be marked as such on the receiver wall.  Electro-penciling is common so don’t be afraid of that.  Some have worn out markings but you’ll never see “No.4” written on them.

◦ No.5 rifles were made exclusively at two arsenals: BSA and Fazakerley

◦ No.5 rifles always have hollowed bolt handles and a fuller carved out of the visible right side lug.  No.4 rifles may or may not.

◦ No.5 rifles have additional metal shaved away from the barrel, the underside, left, and right sides of the receiver.  This additional milling is the gold standard of identification for a true No.5 carbine.  Review the image below to see comparisons of these areas on both a No.4 and No.5 rifle.”


NO.4 vs No. 5 photo 

image.thumb.png.99df23d15c33133e3bed6c983f05b356.pngThis photo will engage on the original source of photo below









Below are some specific Enfield No. 5 references:

Of course the many Skennerton's books are primary sources. But below are some others still around in print.

A nice little book on the JC is Alan M. Petrillo's 1994, 33 page soft cover book, The Number 5 Jungle Carbine by (British Firearms)




A second paper back is by Stratton, Charles R. (2003), Second revised edition, British Enfield Rifles, Volume 2, Lee - Enfield No.4 and No.5 Rifles  by North Cape Publications


For an ancient book reference now very dated that is available on line to read, see the old classic, The Lee-Enfield Rifle by Major EGB Reynolds, 1960

PDF source:



On line magazine articles include:

Enfield No. 5 Mk 1 Rifle: History of the 'Jungle Carbine’

May 12, 2021 Rifleshooter By Jeff John




The Lee-Enfield No. 5 Mk. I "Jungle Carbine"

By David Tong

The link to Tong:  https://chuckhawks.com/jungle_carbine.htm



Gun Collecting: The British .303 Jungle Carbine

By Phillip Peterson , July 11, 2011




Lee-Enfield No. 5 'Jungle Carbine:' An Exploded View





No.5 Mk.I Jungle Carbine: post-WWII use

NOVEMBER 4, 2015 JWH197   wwiiafterwwii,      This is really worth a read.

The link: https://wwiiafterwwii.wordpress.com/2015/11/04/no-5-mk-i-jungle-carbine-post-wwii-use/


You tube Video includes:

A great Forgotten Weapons video by Ian Mc Collum, Aug 4, 2021. This is a must view video.



"Jungle Carbine" - the Lee Enfield No5 MkI Rifle Forgotten Weapons




Gunnerjames Oct 26, 2016, No.5 Mk.1 “Jungle Carbine





Santa Fe Fake Jungle Carbine by myguns Oct 17 2016



The"Jungle Carbine" was used by the Golden State Arms Corporation in the 1950s and 1960s to market sporterized military surplus Lee–Enfield rifles under the "Santa Fe" brand.”









Why is my bayonet lug cut?


A very informative history on the Jungle Carbine by wwiiafterwwii provides insight on why the bayonet lug is cut on some examples of No.5 JCs. More than a few are found intact, but some have the bayonet lug cut off. Please Review:

No.5 Mk.I Jungle Carbine: post-WWII use

NOVEMBER 4, 2015 JWH1975




A point made by Tommy Atkins on SRF, Wed Jun 20, 2018

Tommy states, “Now here's what I've been looking for regarding No5's with no bayonet lug. Some No. 5s are missing the bayonet lug. It was cut off. A comment found in the article the No.5 Mk.I Jungle Carbine: post-WWII use is quoted below.”

“After the Confrontation war, the Malaysian army began phasing out the Jungle Carbine. Many were passed to the Police Field Force, a paramilitary law enforcement force which was basically a light infantry unit trained for internal security duties in the jungle. The Police Field Force used the No.5 Mk.I into the early 1970s, and retained some in storage until the force was rolled into the Royal Malaysia Police’s new General Operations Force in 1997. Many Jungle Carbines which entered the worldwide sport shooting and collector’s markets in the early 2000s are ex-Police Field Force, identified by a letter “P” marking and two- or three-digit serial on the buttstock. Many of the ex-Malaysian No.5 Mk.Is had the bayonet lug removed.”





What is an Ishapore Screw?


The definition of this screw follows:“The ‘Ishy screw’ is a simple slotted, flat head, steel, wood screw installed tranversely through the forend ahead of the trigger guard. Just a screw is all and it seems India screwed any rifle still in service whether it was needed or not.”

Some jungle carbines have a reenforcement screw called the Ishy or Ishapore screw. There is a long standing debate about its Indian source. If interested in a four page, 2007 discussion on gunboards by some expert Enfield collectors, please see:



What do the Forestock variations look like? see 5f








Receiver markings are found on the left side, upper portion of the receiver. All No.5 rifles will be marked on the receiver wall. It is common for Fazakerley No5’s to have “No5 MK ROF (F)”, the date/year, and serial number (electro-pencilled) on the receiver.



A different system was utilized for the BSA No5's receiver markings. It is shortened. Only the model designation, “No.5 Mk. 1” is generally very lightly electro-pencilled on the left flat of the receiver. In contrast, Fazakerley markings are more deeply applied. The BSA markings are so light it often difficult to see them. Most of the information on a BSA made No. 5 is stamped on the butt socket strap. Here the reader finds the factory markings M/47 C at the top, in the middle the year of production, and at the bottom the rifles serial number is engraved on the left side of the butt socket strap. There is both stamped and engraved information.






Receiver Markings taken from One Example from each year.


This 1944 rifle is a 12/1944 Fazakerley with a serial number on the butt socket strap. Like all my specimens it is a matching rifle with serial numbers at five locations: frame, bolt, mag, stock fore end and butt stock strap. I did remove the hand guard on this rifle for additional photos. There is most likely a serial number on the left side of the barrel. There is a Century Arms International import mark on the barrel. This rifle has a worn Suncorite black paint finish and original worn stock finish. I did not remove any of the barrels for photos of the lower markings such as this example taken from the web.


No photos of these markings are shown. Below are photos of my 1944 specimen.


My  1944 specimen receiver markings







Serial number locations below






 Highlights of select views









This specimen is a 1945 BSA Shirley with a M/47 C code, 1945 date, and BF serial number on the butt socket strap. Like all my specimens it is a matching rifle with serial numbers at five locations: frame, bolt, mag, stock fore end and barrel. I did remove the hand guard on this rifle for additional photos. There is no Century Arms International import mark on the barrel. Its import mark is “ENGLAND”. This specimen is not one of the later CAI imports. The rifle has a nice intact Suncorite black paint finish and original worn stock finish. The flash eliminator has M/47C on the left and a broad arrow on the right side.

My  1945 specimen receiver markings





Serial number locations below






Highlights of select views










This specimen is a 3/1946 Fazakerley with “ENGLAND” stamped on the butt socket strap. It is a matching rifle with serial numbers at five locations: frame, bolt, mag, stock fore end, barrel. I did remove the hand guard on this rifle for additional photos. There is no Century Arms International import mark on the barrel. This rifle has a very nice intact Suncorite black paint finish and an original very nice stock finish. The flash eliminator has no markings and rather long attachment pins. This rifle received little use. The specimens marked “England” lack any other companies import mark. I believe these are earlier imports and are generally really clean rifles showing little use. In contrast, the 2004-2010 CAI specimens show wear, but are still jewels in comparison to the Royal Tiger Imports (RTI) Ethopian No. 5 Enfield imports from 2020. Their condition is poor at best.

 RTI photo photos -  SOURCE RTI



My  1946 specimen receiver markings






Serial number locations below






Highlights of select views











This specimen is a 12/1947 Fazakerley with “ENGLAND”  and a board arrow stamped on the butt socket strap. The stamped word “England” can be stamped large like on my 1945 example on or tiny. On this rifle it is rather small. This rifle is matching with serial numbers at four locations: frame, bolt, mag, stock fore end. I did not remove the hand guard on this rifle for additional photos. There is no Century Arms International import mark on the barrel. This rifle has an intact India black paint finish (not Suncorite), and an original very thick BLO stock finish. It has no Ishapore screw in the stock. The flash eliminator has no markings. The top of the receiver has some unidentified marks covered with thick black enamel paint.

My  1947 specimen receiver markings






Serial number locations below





Highlights of select views












  • Like 5

Very nice, I have seen these for sale recently from a US vendor starting at $600. 

  • Like 4

Effective, but very poor quality and finish, not comparable with German products.

  • Like 3

The age old question what was better the Lee Enfield or the Mauser, both had pros and cons but I think the definitive answer on the gun forums is they were both as good as each other. 


  • Like 3

 Ok, that mauser bolt on that Gew 98 in the above video should open smooth, I wonder if it has a headspace issue or damaged extractor. I'd like to see the brass. A GEW 98 is a work of art. That rifle has some issues!




  • Like 4

 For those that never fired or held a  SMLE see this video:


  • Like 4

 And yes, they do make a very expensive SMLE BB gun replica that is around 425 euro????  But what a BB gun for the rich & famous....

 Way beyond most... if dreams came true... NOT SOLD IN THE US


  • Like 3
  • 1 year later...

I belive I have "real" jungle carbine. Serial C7658



11/44 on the left flat receiver


Can you give some insight

  • Like 3

could you post some pictures 

  • Like 2

Yep, photos of the receiver markings and  left side strap markings. Also the lightening cuts, views of the barrel, and the wood would help. Read the post and look for lightening cuts on receiver, barrel, and the bolt ball.  No "Santa Fe" mark.  Yours appears as a 1944.


 F =Fazakerley  and  M/47 = BSA Shirley

  • Like 3


 If you look close,  I bet the 5MKIR is actually stamped  5  MK I (F) not an R🤔 

Sometimes the ) is written so close to the F it appears as a possible R??????


Screen Shot 2024-11-21 at 9.11.57 AM.png

 Note the above rifle is an arsenal rebuild with new electro pencil marks over the old stamped marks. You can see the older worn ghost markings... on the above photo 


Also a possibility if lots of wear, missing letters... see below you may have worn "...OF (F)"



All speculation on my part until I see some photos🫡


Now an FTR stamp on an Enfield  rifle will indicate  the rifle was arsenal refurbished and or upgraded: FTR  the British code for   Factory Thorough Repair

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Mauser, Enfield, Lebel, Moisin-Nagant, all quite equal

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  • 4 weeks later...

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