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From the estate of Günter W., born in Berlin, 1926 - 2018, formerly with the Kriegsmarine. He served as a youth on board the "Schleswig-Holstein", after passing through the "Schiffsartillerieschule" (Kiel) and had his position in "B-Turm" (gun turret) of the ship. In the latter days of the war he was with a Marine-Panzerabwehr-Abteilung* north of Berlin. They had been issued with Danish uniforms (due to shortages)! The unit was withdrawn after considerable losses, his best friend died at his side, and the remainder surrendered to the British in the West, presumably in Schleswig-Holstein. Have been since informed that he was released in Lüneburg, where he met his later wife.

"Die Deutsche Kriegsflotte", published by E.S. Mittler & Sohn, Berlin, 1940, a paperback brochure is with 62 pages and appendix of available literature as well as many illustrations and photos. Inside the cover are two newspaper cuttings dating from 2006, presumably from "Hamburger Abendblatt" of an obituary for Kapitänleutnant Otto von Bülow (Ritterkreuz mit Eichenlaub, 26. April 1943), who had also served on board the "Schleswig-Holstein" as well as being a U-Boot commander. In the latter days of the war von Bülow also commanded a similar unit of land forces as mentioned above, Marinesturmbataillon I in Neustrelitz, Plön and Mürwik
(See under Wikipedia). and under



The publication was probably meant for the general public to encourage interest and enlistment in the Kriegsmarine.

* Erdkampf / ground combat








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