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WW1 US Enlisted Tunic


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Here is a WW1 US Enlisted uniform, that of a Signal Corps Corporal from the 35th Infantry Division, 110th field signal battalion. The Tunic is the M1912 type, which was distinguished by the rows of stitching towards the end of the sleeve cuff (this pattern matched the khaki cotton version as well). This type of tunic was was used by troops in the early stages of the war, however it was issued until stocks were depleted, so it is not uncommon to see a M1912 tunic go through the entire war period. The M1917 and M1918 types which were made much simpler were more common as they eliminated a lot of unneeded production (and sometimes comfort) measures to meet the demand of the war. On the Tunic bearers left sleeve there is a downturned chevron, this indicated the soldier served at least 6 months overseas (after serving 6 more months, the wearer would add another chevron).

The Blue Brassard was issued to agents and signalmen was worn by the men of the Division HQ Company signals section when they were dispatched to either lay new communication wire during an assault or when they were dispatched to locate and repair severed communication lines.

It is important to note that virtually all WW1 US uniforms during the war did not wear divisional patches. It was not until November of 1918, that Army and Marine units were authorized to wear this insignia, to help distinguish units. So these patches were typically applied the last few weeks of the war, during the occupation phase or post war. 










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