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The Battle of the Falklands


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104 years ago today two German armoured  cruisers and two light cruisers were sunk of the coast off the Falklands with two transport ships being captured and later scuttled.

After being victorious in the battle of Coronel, Admiral Spee and his squadron - 2 heavy (Scharnhorst and Gneisenau), 3 light cruisers (Nurnberg, Dresden and Leipzig) with 3 auxiliaries attacked port Stanley where they were met by the British squadron - 2 battle cruisers (Invincible and Inflexable),  3 armoured cruisers (Carnarvon, Cornwall and Kent), 2 light cruisers (Bristol and Glasgow) and 1 armed merchant cruiser (Macedonia) who had arrived one day prior as well as HMS Canopus who had been grounded to act as defence for the port.

08:30- Action was sounded as ships were spotted in the distance Macedonia ordered to port as it was not fit for battle. Kent sent out to sea

09:00- Canopus opens fire as Carnarvon heads out to sea. The German ships move out of Canopus’s range but towards Kent causing her to move back towards the port. The Germans now seeing black smoke rising from the harbour and the distinctive tripod masts off British ships make off for the open sea

09:45- All ships apart from Bristol had steamed up 

10:00-The British force leaves port  ‘General chase’ order given, each captain may do whatever deemed fit to catch the German ships, Recinded after more precise orders on speed were given

11:30- British ordered to eat as there was some time before the Germans would be in range 

13:00- The British open fire after catching the Germans

13:20- To give the light cruisers a chance at escape Spee turns his two armoured cruisers to fight

Invincible was hit early on but suffered little damage

Invinsible and Inflexable engage Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, the reminder of the British forces goes after the rest of the German squadron

16:04- Scharnhorst took extensive damage and sunk 

18:02- Gneisenau is sunk after running out of ammunition at around 17:15

17:30- The Nurnberg turns for battle with Kent

18:30- Nurnberg suffers two boiler explosions

19:27- Nurnberg is sunk

Leipzig being pursued by Cornwall and Glasgow had run out of ammunition but was still flying a battle ensign so it was not until it fired two flares that the british ceased fire

21:23- Leipzig sinks

The German ships Dresden and Seydlitz escaped

1,871 German sailors and 10 British lost their lives with 19 British wounded

215 German sailors were rescued  


Many criticised Spee's decision to attack the port however it was later discoverd that they had in fact been lead by a fake signal created by British cryptographers who had broken the German naval code.

More detail about the battle can be found here:








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Here's a very good documentary about the run up to the first world war Falklands battle. 


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