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Decorations of the state of Anhalt, Herzogtum Anhalt-Dessau (Gesamtstaat)

Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse 1914, on ribbon for combattants. Darkened bronze cross, the central medallion bearing the Chiffre F for Herzog Friedrich von Anhalt-Dessau, the medallion within a wreath of oak leaves. To the upper arm of the cross is the Crown of the Duke of Anhalt, the lower arm of the cross bears the date 1914. The medallion to the reverse bears the inscription Für Verdienst im Kriege, no wreath to the reverse. On original, slightly faded short ribbon.

Medaille für Treue in der Arbeit. Faithfull service decoration for civil services, silver medal bearing the portrait of Friedrich II., Duke of Anhalt. The reverse bears the inscription Für Treue in der Arbeit, within a wreath of oak leaves, on replaced correct ribbon, white, green, red.

The small state of Anhalt-Dessau was ruled by the Princes of the Royal House of the Askanier, one of the most ancient reigning houses, mentioned in the 11th Century, and originally, there had originally been several of these states under various lines of the House, Anhalt-Dessau, Anhalt-Bernburg, Anhalt-Köthen and Anhalt-Zerbst, the last surviving line of these houses, Dessau, inherited and maintained the other territories under it's rule. In November 1918 the last Duke of Anhalt was obliged to abdicate along with all the other rulers of the German states.
Anhalt maintainted one regiment within the army, this was Anhaltinisches Infanterie-Regiment No. 93, the I. and III. Bataillons of which were stationed in Dessau, the II. in Zerbst. The national colours and flag were green.

These are just two examples of some of the most well-known decorations of Anhalt.





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