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Photoatelier Mercedes Riedel and other studio photos


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Nancy Riedel took over the photo studio from her mother, Mercedes Riedel, who founded the business around 1927, an older and a more recent portrait

Medbo ausgezeichnet | TVA

Anja-Nancy Narr - Oberärztin - BKH Wöllershof | XING

Daughter: Oberärztin Nancy-Anja Narr

Various studio photos from Wandsbek that were given to me over the past few years


"Der Sonntagssoldat", the father wearing steel helmet and his medals from the Great War. In peacetime he served with the police.


The father in uniform with his medals


A soldier from Infanterie-Regiment 69 in Wandsbek. An early pre-war photo as can be seen with the cap and other insignia. Identity has unfortunately not been disclosed.

A second photo well midwar, depicting the wearer in a tunic which has been made up of a lightweight canvas type material and with a rather individual pattern and with a darkgreen cloth collar. In the buttonhole is the ribbon of the Rumanian decoration for the "Crusade against Bolschewism" with a gilt bar, here not legible. Various other miniature ribbons on a bar. He has the rank of Obergefreiter and is wearing a small plaited lanyard to the right, possibly for a whistle. Waffenfarbe is not discernable, but is certainly not white, of interest are the sliders with the unit number to the shoulders, barely legible. Obviously a photo taken whilst on home leave. Again, no identity to subject portrayed.


A family photo taken in the studio, presumably pre-war, the soldier in walking-out dress from Infanterie-Regiment 6, which was based in Lübeck. He is also wearing a marksmanship lanyard.


A studio taken wedding photo, certainly pre-war. The bridegroom is an Unteroffizier of an unidentified unit, he is wearing a ribbon bar of the long service medal for 4 years and the sports badge in bronze.


Studio photo of a young man in a very presentable RAD uniform with presumably his fiancée. She has been named as Margot K. from the "Gärtnerei", Holzmühlenstraße.


A pre-war studio photo of a soldier from 13. Kompanie, Infanterie-Regiment 69 in Wandsbek ( 13./69 ) dating from 29. September 1937. The soldier depicted, is, according to record, Herr L. of Ahrensburger Straße 89 in Wandsbek. The typical details of early uniform are clear in the picture.


Two photos from the Great War period, these are later post war studio based reproductions.  To the left is an engaged couple. The soldier is a Gefreiter wearing the fieldgrey uniform of a Guards unit and an artillery sabre, so presumably one of the Garde-Feldartillerie-Regiments, which were based around Berlin or Potsdam, the photo having been taken on leave.
A further photo of an officer in a standard M.1910 fieldgrey infantry uniform.


A photo of a soldier with his bride or his sister?  Taken about 1916. He is a Gefreiter, the collar button is barely visable on one side and is wearing the M.1910 fieldgrey tunic with infantry shoulder straps of the 1915 pattern. Possibly from Infanterie-Regiment 76 or one of the regiments of the IX. Armee-Korps. He is also wearing the EK II and the Hamburger Hanseatenkreuz in his buttonhole, these awards had been very recently received at the time.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Two more photos from the photo studio:


Studio copy of a snap taken of Adolf Galland and Major Hitgen, Hitgen is second on the left. Signed Adolf Galland and with dedication: Major a.D. Gerd Hitgen in alter Verbundenheit


Studio photo of an unknown Leutnant of the Kriegsmarine. Illegible inscription "...gest., 1940" (gestorben, possibly a Narvik casualty)

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  • 3 months later...

Photo received from the old studio today. Depicted is a policeman with 2 boys, one wearing a sidecap. The picture is marked on the reverse:
August 1943, Schwabenried, Gau Bayreuth, Oberfranken. Not supposed to disclose the name of those depicted. Pictures were never collected.


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  • 1 month later...

Another photo of Major Hitgen from the Photo Studio, was given to me today. And another picture of Hitgen with H.-D. Frank, found in internet.



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  • 8 months later...

Studio photos, Atelier Mercedes Riedel, Wandsbek



Early Bundeswehr photo, 1950s or 1960s - "Minensuchgeschwader"


Early Bundeswehr photo, 1950s or 1960s. "Leutnant", possibly artillery (colour backing of collar patches)


"4th Reich"  Bundeswehr manoevre photo from the late 1960s or mid 1970s. They don't look like they could take on the rest of the world. These are "citizens in uniform", as they say nowadays.  Noticeable is the outward lack of discipline, and the impression that they just don't have a clue, completely ungerman and unmilitary.  Category:  "Im Ernstfall nicht zu gebrauchen" - no use in an emergency.


19.3.2021 - another photo received from the remains of the photo studio:
Bruno Ralf Beilcke, 26.9.1942 - 21.12.1983 +Riverside, Kern Co., California. A racing driver of the BMW Motors International Team, died at the early age of 41, presumably an accident, no further information found. Buried near Riverside, Kern County, California


A group of stokers of the Imperial Navy, serving 1911 - 1914. Cap bands with ships name not clearly ledgible - "SMS Hohenzollern" (?)
* Hohenzollern was the Kaiser's Yacht (of which there were 3 successive buildings, 3rd started in 1914, never finished, broken up in 1923)

*S.M.S. Hohenzollern, built 1886-1888, broken up in Danzig, 1912. Painting by Willi Stöwer


A recruit wearing parade tunic of Nachrichten-Abteilung 50, Wandsbek, pre-war photo


A repro photo by Studio Mercedes Riedel of an unidentified HJ member with rank of Rottenführer, presumably from Wandsbek

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Studio photos, Atelier Mercedes Riedel, Wandsbek


A Leutnant of Infanterie-Regiment 16 (Oldenburg), pre-war studio photo


A wedding photo of Oberfeldwebel/Oberwachtmeister in early walking-out uniform



A portrait that has been printed the wrong way around, left should be right. Early uniform.


A Hauptgefreiter of Marineflugabwehrabteilung with his wife, pre-war studio photo



Kriegsmarine photo with a dedication to the daughter


Leutnant Meyer (?) as an infantry officer wearing the officer's  Litewka. He also has the EK and Hanseatenkreuz. This same officer served later in Infanterie-Regiment 69 (Wehrmacht) together with Oberfeldwebel Hermann Riedel in Wandsbek. Studio photo. The Litewka was a decorative alternative to the Waffenrock, but not officially prescribed, worn only for informal occasions, also known as "der kleine Rock".


Staff officers, 1916 or 1917 in a headquarters in France or Belgium. Private photo Hermann Riedel, Wandsbek (several are wearing a Litewka)


The Kaiser on a visit to the headquarters, or possibly in Spa. Private photo, Hermann Riedel, Wandsbek


France or Belgium. Soldiers have made a decorative makeshift garden honouring the Kaiser and Hindenburg, possibly on Hindenburg's birthday. Private photo, Hermann Riedel, Wandsbek

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Photos from other sources, purchased a few years back



Parade, Fahnenkompanie, Stettin, 1936 (?) Reverse has a pencilled inscription. Regimental flags are of the former II. Armee-Korps, including Pommersches Grenadier-Regiment 2 and Füsilier-Regiment Königin Viktoria von Schweden 34



A one year volunteer of a foot battery of the Prussian Artillery, IX. Armee-Korps, 1860-1870, Photo Atelier Gustav Hanberg, Rendsburg


A cabinett photo of a one year volunteer dragoon, said to be of Henning v. Puttkamer, born 1854, thought to be Dragoner-Regt.2 in Schwedt, however uniform is not of D.R.2, as they had black facings. Photographie Schreiber & Ochs, Frankfurt a/O.


A photo postcard of Immo Gayl, born 1888, (Unteroffizier) of the Leib-Kompagnie, 1. Garde Regiment zu Fuss, photo dated 1906,  taken presumably in the gardens of Sans Souci, Potsdam.

N.B.: Genealogy net info: Egon Immo v. Gayl - married to Editha Else Eugenie Ottony von Puttkamer, born 7 May 1899 - Barnow, Deceased (Parents : MHenning Georg Gottlieb Oskar von Puttkamer, Dr. jur. 1854-1928 &  FOttony Charlotte Emilie Franziska von Puttkamer 1867-)


* Grave at Waldfriedhof, Timmendorfer Strand

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Photo Atelier Mercedes Riedel, Wandsbek, photos




Rare very large format photo of a Flieger wearing a 1915 fieldgrey dress tunic with coloured facings. Shoulder straps are light grey (dove grey), red-piped black facings, silver buttons, white Gardelitzen. Identical to the peacetime tunic.


A copy of a rare photo of Flugplatz Wandsbek with an early Taube type single seater monoplane. Wandsbek was used as a small Flugplatz pre WW1, but closed before WW2. With the photo is a photo of a dragoon, from the same source / customer. Dragoon is possibly from Dragoner-Regiment 14 or 16

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Two photos taken in June 1933 at Hamburg-Fühlsbüttel (Airport) by Georg Lehle, who served in a Feldfliegerabteilung during WW1, these were given to me many years ago by his widow, Irmgard Lingnau from Eilbek.



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The 2. Kompanie of an unknown unit, taken in M.....s (?) May 1942 (aber ohne mich, the photographer has noted)


Private photo, no inscription, 2., 3. and 5.Komp./ K.19, Kraftfahrkolonne 19 or Kradschützenabteilung 19 (?) Presumably in Russia, 1942 ? Purchased in East Berlin


Undated photo of a Landser of the occupation force, Studio in Studio L. Labière, La Baule, Bretagne


Studio photo Wilh.Behne, Verden/Aller, 6.K. / Infanterie-Regiment 90, Wentorf


Photo dated Lissa, 11.2.1942 by a recruit, signed Heinz, sent to his Aunt.
Purchased in East Berlin


Studio photo, Artillerie-Regt.3, Frankfurt/O., by Atelier Frenzel, Berlin, Leipziger Straße
Purchased in East Berlin


Presumably Artillerie-Regiment 3, dated Berlin-Köpenick, 1.5.1940
Purchased in East Berlin




Two photos dated 21.1.1940. Presumably from a horse drawn Artillery Regiment

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Some early popular photo postcards of the series "Unsere Wehrmacht" all from another source and mostly with pin marks, purchased well over 40 years ago.



Unsere Luftwaffe - Eine Staffel Sturzkampfflugzeuge Ju 87 beim Luftexerzieren. Spezialverlag Horn, Gotha, Nr. Sch.88



Pioniere beim Sturmangriff. Verlag "Die Wehrmacht", Berlin


Flak im Kampf. Stöckel, Hannover


Unsere Wehrmacht - Flak-Artillerie in Feuerstellung


Unsere Wehrmacht - Feldartillerie in Feuerstellung (Feldkanone FK 18)


Feldartillerie in Abwehr eines Panzerkampfwagens. Verlag "Die Wehrmacht", photo by Stöckel, Hannover

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  • 2 months later...


2 cabinet photos, Garde-Grenadier-Regiment 3, Charlottenburg and Infanterie-Regiment Hamburg, Studio Julius Peters, Bergedorf,
handwritten in pencil, Franz Wilken.


Kürassier-Regiment 8, Deutz, Studio photo            -  Husaren-Regiment 15, Wandsbek, Studio Harländer, Hamburg, Wandsbeker Chaussee 195
both photos before 1897


Friedrich Wilhelm Prinz von Preußen (aged 10), grandson of the King, cabinet photo ca. 1869/70 of
later Kaiser Wilhelm in the full dress of the 1. Garde-Regiment zu Fuß, Potsdam.

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Freiherr von Pappritz

Copies of original photos lent to me nearly 40 years ago.  A little old lady who had permission
to leave the DDR and settle in the west, told me her story. She was originally born in Wien
and she married Freiherr von Pappritz and settled in Dresden. She brought with her, her own
personal silver service and some elegant Rococo furniture with  royal blue upholstery, which
survived through world war 2, the turmoils of the DDR and were brought to the west. They had
seen better years. She kindly lent me these photos of her first husband, and explained only,
this was Freiherr von Pappritz and he fell in the Great War. Many years later she married an
artist, also since deceased, so she settled alone in the West, taking her few most cherished
Unfortunately unable to find out about more, at the time I didn't manage to get his Christian
name for some reason.
Some later research was also fruitless, even the Ranglisten did not show this said person.
Only some handwriting on the rear of some of the photos mentioned the place Wurzen i/Sa.,
The first uniform photo depicts a Wachtmeister of the Saxon Artillery, he is also wearing the
"Kaiserpreis " for artillery, on right upper arm, the cuff has an extra row of gold Tresse indicating
a full Wachtmeister.
The uniform of the Saxon artillery was dark green with red facings and Swedish cuffs, gold buttons.
In Wurzen was stationed Feldartillerie-Regiment 78. The Feldwebel rank probably indicated that
he was a Portépée Fähnrich. The number on the shoulder strap is partially visible when magnified.

The next photo shows him with two horses, and wearing the fieldgrey officer Litewka
Two further photos depict him wearing an officer's peacetime uniform, one with a medal row
and Iron Cross 1st Class. The shoulder pieces are of the type worn by a Militärbeamter with an
equivalent rank of Oberleutnant. In the last photo he is wearing a greatcoat, which is not the
usual officer lightgrey greatcoat and has no shoulder pieces. On the tunic collar there are rank
stars similar to Austrian officers, the cap also has no Reichskokarde.

Have been wanting to solve the mystery Frhr.v.Pappritz for years now, no progress made,
nothing found, only a General v.Pappritz, Prussian, not Saxon, not the same person..


Pre-war photo, Feld-Artillerie-Regiment 78, Wurzen/Sa. as Wachtmeister
Uniform: Tunic dark green with red facings, Swedish cuffs, gold buttons


Wartime photo, wearing Offiziers Litewka. 2 ribbons in buttonhole


Photo wearing Artillerie-Offiziersäbel, the tunic has the cuffs worn by the foot artillery, shoulder pieces equivalent to an Oberleutnant, more in the style of an official than an officer.  Decorations:
Silbernes Verdienstkreuz mit Schwertern
Albrechtskreuz m. Schwertern
EK 2 1914
4th decoration unclear


Mysterious photo: The cap has no Reichskokarde, the tunic has set metal rank stars on the collar, dark greatcoat without shoulder pieces.
This would have been as worn after 1919, Weimar Republic, Freistaat Sachsen. Freiherr von Pappritz was said not to have survived the war.

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  • 1 year later...


The photo studio in Wandsbek, long closed is clearing out, times have changed. I was given these pictures yesterday.
The poster at the top centre states - So flogen wir damals - und so fliegen wir heute - VARIG, 1927-1987, apparently a Brasilian Airline.  The topic here is aviation. Wandsbek had an airfield from shortly before World War 1 till the mid 1930s. A zeppelin is also recorded as passing over Wandsbek, here the industry park with the cocoa and chocolate factory in the Neumann-Reichhardt-Straße, now run by Nestlé. One photo also shows Adolf Galland.

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A studio photo of a Husar in full uniform, most likely from Husaren-Regiment Kaiser Franz Joseph von Österreich-Ungarn (Schleswig-Holsteinisches) Nr. 16, based in Schleswig. The uniform jacket and cape are light cornflower blue, noticeable in the photo.
Studio is J. Vahlendiek in Schleswig, hardly legible in fine gold print, now very faded, as is the rest of the photo.




A re-work using photoshop, contrast raised, now a little more disctinct. Many thanks to wpf.

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  • 6 months later...


Further photo added, see further up under post-war photos. Here, a different category, as a racing driver!


and one from the archive, Prinz Leopold von Bayern, with original autogram from 1984.

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Nancy Riedel (*1927), last owner of her mother's Photo Studio, now closed. This recent snap was taken in her beloved garden, which she states as "her one and everything", in which she is still very active when the weather permits. Nancy also  speaks fluent Swedish and has an Austrian passport!  Her sister Rosemarie (1924-2012) was in the BDM.

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  • Fritz changed the title to Photoatelier Mercedes Riedel and other studio photos
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More photos received:



Kriegsmarine, Maat with overjacket and Iron Cross ribbon in buttonhole


Deutsche Reichsbahn or Preußische Staatsbahnen (Weimar period), member of personnel wearing greatcoat and peaked cap
possibly a locomotive driver or station personnel, cap possibly with red top


Unknown portrait, 1940s, youth wearing an unidentified uniform, dark blue? Most likely HJ

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  • 2 months later...

Hello, I happened to see your posts. I'm interested your some pictures.

I have a uniform from the 69th Infantry Regiment. So I was interested in your picture and I think it's a good reference.

If you don't mind, can I get high-definition scanned copies of some pics (front & back)?

Let me know if you need cost. I'll pay you anytime.

These are the two pictures I want, so I would appreciate it if you could review them positively.

Best regards


(Left picture)


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  • 3 months later...

Further pictures just received from Photoatelier Mercedes Riedel


Taken in Lille, officer of J.R.56



Postcard, photos taken in Bad Bramstedt, Pfadfinder


Two Förster or Jäger acting as gamekeepers, apparently have arrested a poacher


Flugplatz Wandsbek, early photo of an Aviatik or Taube (?)


Deutsche Reichspost


Infanterie-Regiment 90, Wentorf



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  • 1 month later...

More photos received from the Studio


Hamburg Feuerwehr, 1960s, or possibly police




Schützenverein, probably Wandsbek, the Schützenkönig with his decorations, undated,
possibly pre-war.

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  • 1 month later...


This was brought back by Oberfeldwebel Hermann Riedel from Russia-Mariupol. It was given to him by the Russian woman, who looked after him when he was wounded. He kept this by him for the rest of his life. Now in posession of his daughter. She told me today she would leave this to me. Cast Bronze with partial gilding, several inscriptions in the old Russian alphabet.

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  • 1 month later...

Nancy Riedel photo albums - photos are not in chronological order
Some new photos copied today -




Mercedes Till (left), soldier on the right is wearing the armbadge for MG-Schütze


Wearing the old sidearm from 1914


photo bottom left: Ärmelstreifen: Feldgendarmerie



Hermann Riedel wearing a uniform of the Hamburg Police after 1919







Hermann Riedel, EK-Verleihung mit Hindenburg (Ostfront)


After the war, rebuilding the house after bomb damage. An aerial mine had landed two houses away.


Family photo from around 1900: Mercedes Till, Grandmother Till, Grandfather Till 2. from right.

Nancy Riedel - post war photos









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  • 1 year later...

Nancy passed away at the age of 95 last Wednesday, 1.November 2023 at her home in Wandsbek,
Roland Werner died suddenly on 26. October 2023.


Summer 2019 in her garden, Nancy Riedel with Kunsthistoriker Roland Werner and Ingrid Koeser (l.)
Roland Werner died several days before Nancy.

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