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Hello again! This should be a quick topic. I was wondering if this cap is post ww2 or ww2. It is made by the same people who make the ww2 m43 german cap, but this one is a civil defense fireman cap. Anyone know?



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What is the make in the inside? This looks like an M.43 cap, but most likely a postwar production with a Firebrigade emblem - probably correct. Certainly not WW2. It also has silver piping around the crown to denote an officer grade. Some of the Bundeswehr units also wear a similar cap, especially the Gebirgsjäger in Garmisch, etc. Many postwar civilan uniforms also had details similar to old patterns - and were made by the same manufacturers and suppliers as before.

Nothing unusual about that.

However, times are now changing, and American style details are gradually taking over. The new German police uniform is entirely American in style, even a batman type cap with corners styled like a New York police cap. The police are even armed with American weapons. Same as in East Germany during the cold war, all Russian weapons.

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It was made by alkero. The guy who has it says it was made in 1946-1948. I looked everywhere for a similar cap and couldn't find anything.

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Just saw an article in internet - DIE WELT - from 21.8.2005 - Fa. Kempf KG supplies police forces, etc. worldwide with headdress, for over 50 years (in business for over 85 years), these are also marked D.B.P. or DBGM - these are postwar copyright marks (DRGM or DRP is wartime or earlier) - "Alkero" is the brandname of this firm. I would say your cap is from the mid 1950s, or later - there wasn't much manufactured between 1946-48, as the whole country was devastated. First stages of re-armament with a polce force under allied supervision - the Bundesgrenzschutz, and later conscription army as from 1955 - Bundeswehr. The same applied in the east zones under Russian supervision - first the KVP police - Kasernierte Volkspolizei around 1949, and in 1955 the NVA - Nationale Volksarmee, with new uniforms and Russian weapons, and American in the West.


Firms like this have also been making reproduction 3rd Reich headdress for a good 60 years or more, for export - not for the German market, as anything 3rd Reich is prohibited in the postwar years till present.




and www.kempf-muetzen.de


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thank you for the clarification!

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