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The Wandsbeker Heimatmuseum has amongst it's collections on the general history of Wandsbek from it's earliest beginnings in the Middle Ages till the early postwar years, a collection of items devoted to the Wandsbeker Husaren and is probably the best special collection of items and documentation on this topic worldwide, making it unique in this sense.

The photos depict a general view of 3 full figures in uniform, mostly composed of original items, some are postwar remakes. There is also a rare WW1 fieldgrey Attila tunic for a Wachtmeister of the regiment, displayed with a gas mask and a peacetime coloured peaked cap, which is certainly a post WW1 remake, likely even post WW2. There is also a display of decorations and badges from members of the regiment. Many items were donated by the families of the wearers, others were purchased in the early 1990s, on a somewhat limited budget. An original Schabracke or saddle blanket for the husars of this regiment is also displayed, this is very rare.


Hans-Werner Faerber, *1931, now living in Goslar, contributed considerably to organising and documenting the collection using his many years of experience and expertise, having served with the Bundeswehr. The museum was run voluntarily for many years by Ilse Fischer, Herr Klein and Herr Greiner, now no longer living.  Frau Ingrid Voss has since taken over responsability for the museum.











Wandsbeker pflegen Ort des Erinnerns | tuwasgutes

Two of the Museum's staff


Ingrid Voss (r.) and Thorsten Richter (l.) accept a donation
on behalf of the Museum from the Sparkasse in Holstein.
Ingrid Voss has been doing much voluntary work locally for
many years now and was previously engaged in local politics

Das Museumpersonal
Ingrid Voss - 1. Vorsitzende
Gerhard Schönfeld - Verwaltung Dokumentation, EDV u. Museumsleiter
Wolfgang Petersen - Wandsbek Archiv
Christel Sönksen - Archivierung u. Allgemeine Verwaltung
Monika (?) Archivierung
Uwe Griem - Archiv
Paul v. McKeown - Husarenstube

Bürgerverein sorgt sich um die Zukunft - Hamburger Wochenblatt

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  • 4 months later...

From the Museum's reserve collection, recently discovered, a pair of monograms for officers' shoulder pieces from
Husaren-Regiment Kaiser Franz Joseph von Österreich (Schleswig-Holsteinisches) No. 16, based in Schleswig, which formed a joint 18. Kavallerie-Brigade with Husaren-Regiment 15. Fire-gilded monograms FJI with the Imperial Austrian Crown, as worn only by officers of the regiment.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Some new pictures from the museum. The fieldgrey figure is shown here with a peacetime peaked cap, this not matching and a gasmask as would have been worn on the Western Front, alltogether an unlikely combination for this regiment, but otherwise in principal, somewhat typical. Details show shoulder and collar insignia and the cuff details - tunic would be for a Sergeant or also a Vizewachtmeister.

Further photos show 2 officers Portépées, below, a Hannoverian officer Portépée as worn till June 1866, above, a Prussian officer Portépée of a later date.

Further pictures show two decorations from the estates of various members of the Regiment, Iron Cross 1914, and Lippe-Detmold, War Service Cross 1914 2.Klasse., which has been mounted as a single. The crowned L stands for Leopold, Fürst von Lippe-Detmold.








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  • 3 weeks later...

Some more photos of museum exhibits:

Sword frog for attachment to saddle. Not sure if officer or other ranks' version, probably private purchase, with a later repair / replacement retainer strap.

Reservistenkrug - Bierkrug or Humpen - so called Bier-Stein for a reservist of the 5. Eskadron from 1906-1909, names of reservists on two sides, much regimental decor with cavalry and horse scenes depicting the uniform, extremely rare to find to this regiment.

A parade plume for officers - white with a black root, "Reiherfeder" with a silver coloured Manschette or Tulle (sleeve or nozzle), old repair to base? Valued today at around 1500 Euros!

This was normally stored in a specially made cardboard tube with lids to both ends, a so-called Transportbehälter.










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This piece belonged to Gefreiter Rosenberger.  Names to be transcribed.  We only had very limited time yesterday, and with help of three people, the glass case was opened, just for long enough to make these few photos, and again closed in time before the museum punctually shut its doors. This was probably the first time in over 20 years that the case has been opened! We had to literally lift the all glass part from it's base.

Two further items, of which a young visitor to the museum sent pictures.

A porcellain plate, made by the Meissen Manufaktur in Meissen, Saxony as a souvenir of the regiment. These plates are very collectable and start at around 350 Euro.

A framed watercolour of an nco of the regiment during WW1.

These items are now owned by this visitor, who is currently writing a work on the experiences of men of this regiment made on the Eastern Front during WW1 based on original material. This is for a state examination, a sort of "Doktor-Arbeit". This young visitor has served with a reconnaissance unit of the Bundeswehr and is a reserve officer candidate at the Bundeswehr Hochschule in Wandsbek. This particular reconnaissance unit is a "Traditionsträger" of some of the former cavalry regiments.

Further photos were sent by a visitor from Holland, these of the silver statue presented in 1901 by the officers of the regiment to Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands. This statue is held in a museum in Holland. The standard has been removed and is apparently stored separately.






Masterarbeit Wandsbeker Husaren.Geerz(3).doc

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Names on the sides of the above mentioned Reservistenkrug:

5. Eskadron / Husaren-Regt.15

Reservistenkrug, 1906-1909, Namensleisten



Bestmann, Böger, Eggers, Hansen, Hardekopf, Holste, Jahns, Kuhlmann, Lehmkuhl, Lübcke, Möhl, Oberthür, Rätzmann, Rosenberger, Schmidt, Weber, Wollny, Warnecke (San.),





Reservisten (andere Seite):

Fischer, Franke, Gelfert, Harmsen, Holdorf, Kroll, Martin, Menk, Möller I, Noak, Pape, Rafoth, Schade, Schmidt I, Schmidt II, Schümann, Strohkirch, Thul, Timm, Tychsen, Wolpers, Wurlich.

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  • 2 weeks later...

More pictures from the Museum:


A Gorgette or Ringkragen for standardbearer of the Verein Ehemaliger 15er Husaren. The original case is also present.


A miniature Standard of the Regiment as carried by the Verein, the rear has the Vereins details, later to follow. The side shown is almost identical to the original standard of the regiment.

The scroll above the eagles head is lined in blue and silver edging and lettering: PRO DEO ET PATRIA. This cloth could also have been a Trumpet Banner.


Standartenbänder - these belong to the original standard of the regiment, which was missing for over 45 years, now in Wustrau. The Saekularspangen have various commemorative dates,

19. Dezember 1803 and 1. Januar 1900, the date these were given and attached to the Standard. These presentations usually took place in the Courtyard of the Zeughaus in Berlin, in the presence of the Majesties.


A copy of the Bundesnachrichten, a periodical for former members of the regiment, this one is issue 16 from November 1931. Depicted on front cover, the last wartime commander of the regiment, Oberstleutnant von Zieten, born 1861, who ended his career as Generalmajor. There is also an original article about the retreat between Ourcq and Aisne (rivers), and the fighting on the River Oise (1914). Worth much research. Apparently, this is the only example of this periodical in possession of the museum, strange.












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  • 2 weeks later...

Most important reference work on the history of the regiment by Major von Trauwitz-Hellwig. First illustration shows the commander of the regiment and the squadron chiefs.

Upper right corner is Rittmeister Carlo von Hanstein.

Published in Wandsbek in 1931. The cover is in the regimental colours and with the crowned monogram. This can be seen as a standard work on the regiment for WW1. This example in possession of the Museum and a difficult publication to find nowadays.








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Just heard from a member of the family, Rittmeister von Hanstein (4.Eskadron) was Carlo Freiherr von Hanstein, the father of the famous racing driver, Huschke von Hanstein, 1911-1996.





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Some more photographs from the museum.

A pale yellow Kolpak of finest doeskin (Kolpak, zitronengelbes Abzeichentuch in hochfeiner Qualität) with fine pale yellow silk lining, latter with some age damage, hand-stitched over wire hoop for attaching to headdress. Officer quality, very probably contemporary.

An officers sabre with rayskin grip showing some wear and scuffing, finely bound with silver wire, brass furniture, floral engraving to polished blade, with some age-staining, the scabbard of steel with single brass ringband and ring, postwar black-painted. This could be a cavalry officers interim sabre with plain furniture, or could be infantry for fusilier officers or Jäger officers - Prussia.

A Fanfarentuch - trumpet banner for Husaren-Regiment 15 or one of it's veterans' associations, dark blue cloth, silver woven applications, edged in silver braid with silver cord fringes, two of three suspension loops with fittings present. Reverse in pale yellow silk with uncrowned Prussian eagle in black embroidery.







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Further items:

Large folder, darkgreen waxcloth, printed in goldblock, containing loose leaf sketches from the war of 1870/71 by Professor Hermann Knackfuss, who took part in the campaigns with Husaren-Regiment 15, black and white realistic scenes on large folio paper with traces of age, about 12 scenes depicted.

Album of Husar Walther Geerz containing letters home to his parents from August 1914 till September 1915, postcards, ephemera, photos. Geerz fell on 16. September 1915 in the Kurland district on the Eastern Front. His parents made the album in chronological order. Some of the documents are faded and barely legible.

Peaked cap of Husar Goos (rank was Sergeant or Vizewachtmeister?), who was the Standard Bearer, and apparently later Leutnant der Reserve

Two Busbies of nco rank (private purchase types), 3 illustrations







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More pictures:

Various showcase objects, including a fitted presentation case and original cardboard package for an Iron Cross 1st class, case and packaging only, from the estate of Leutnant d.Reserve Johannes Greiner, donated by his family.

A tool, very old, possibly for assembling old type munition - Zündnadelkarabiner ?

Does anyone have any info on such objects?

Trumpet banner, reverse side, as previously shown object

A Säbeltasche for other ranks and nco ranks

Medals on a uniform figurine - Iron Cross 2nd class, Hamburg: Hanseatenkreuz - Mecklenburg: Militärverdienstkreuz - DR: Ehrenkreuz Weltkrieg (1934)

Headdress on figures:

Busby, re-make using partly original parts, the silver chinscales and sidebuttons are wrong, should be brass, the Feldzeichen is not correct, this was originally Prussian Police, Weimar period, the Kolpak is a simple remake using poor quality flimsy yellow cotton material, the fur is possibly artificial, Bandeau probably original but touched over with silver paint.

Peaked cap for officer and senior nco - this is a later re-make, made between 1930 - 1975

Busby, all correct, the leather backing and fastening strap of chinscales are possibly an older replacement, with Unteroffizier parade hackle (Paradestutz)

Two original copies of the Bundesnachricht from November 1932 and March 1934, a twice yearly periodical for former members of the Regiment.


A framed coloured illustration of Oskar L. Tesdorpf as a Reserve Officer in Hannov. Husaren-Regiment 15, dated 1878
























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An article today in the local newspaper about the Regiment and it's Museum by Martin Jensen:




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Just received from "our correspondent in Holland", a photo of "Jonkheer" Juan Maria Teixeira de Mattos, the Dutch officer who volunteered to stay on with the regiment after the outbreak of war in 1914. He is wearing the classical officers light grey greatcoat (or Pâletot?) The collar would be in the regimental facings, dark blue with a yellow underside piped in white. The photo is said to have been taken at the time of the Battle of Tannenberg, Autumn 1914, there is also a collection of articles about him and the Battle, which were written around 1964, the 50th anniversary. I assume they are probably written in Dutch, which is not so advantageous for the Museum in Wandsbek. Photo and documents were discovered in the Museum in Amersfoort/NL, probably stored away.

"Jonkheer" is the Dutch word for a young nobleman, similar to the German word, Junker.

Photos of various members badges for the various Associations of former Soldiers of Husaren-Regiment 15. The last association was dissolved in 1986,

so some of the badges are older and some fairly recent, an interesting comparison. Note the badges in form of a rosette as originally worn on the husars tunics, one is a plain rosette with an engraving H.R.15, the later version was a design using the rosette and a superimposed miniature monogram as worn on the shoulder pieces. Another is an earlier ornate enamel version, the clasp with a ribbon probably had a "regimental" gilt cross, which were popular in the early 1920s. After 1935 many of these associations were obliged to join the Stahlhelm Organisation, which was later incorporated into the SA. It is interesting to note that the regimental bulletin, "Bundesnachricht" ceased as of around 1935. Original copies from between 1934 and 1935 begin to change their written content, with less interesting reports from the battles of WW1.







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Further pictures from the Museum.

A Säbeltasche for officers. The yellow cloth facing has rather faded, one of the three suspension straps is missing, in general need of some restoration.

A photo album of the period, decorated with the flap of a Säbeltasche.

A photo album of all the officers of the regiment, including Rittmeister Carlo von Hanstein, 4. Eskadron.

Commanders of the regiment, 1867-1919, photos as wall decoration

The uniform of the Standartenträger, badge for standard bearer with stripes for good lance-proficiency

Two pages of the Kriegs-Album of Husar Mützenbecher, one page with Carlo von Hanstein









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  • 2 weeks later...

More documents copied today


Award document for Unteroffizier Karl Weyh from Wasungen, 4. Esk./ Hus.Rgt.15

Sachsen-Meiningen, Campaign Medal for 1914/15 on 8. October 1915

Very rare document, never seen before in my time, unfortunately only a photocopy from around 1970/80

The document is in the name of Charlotte, Herzogin von Sachsen-Weimar - a sister of the Kaiser. The ruler of Sachsen-Meningen was Bernhard III. since June 1914.

Militärpass (originally light yellow cover for cavalry) and photo of Unteroffizier, later Offizier-Stellvertreter Rosenberger who served with Husaren-Regt. 15 before the war. On mobilisation, he was posted to Husaren-Regt.16 in Schleswig, later Reserve-Husaren-Regt.7, which was raised by Regt.16.

A further photo shows the Gefechtsstreifen pasted into the passbook, showing all actions his unit took part in. In 1920 he was commissioned as a Leutnant, signed by Reichswehrminister Dr. Gessler.

Further photos show the bronze medal of Sachsen-Meiningen. They were also later produced in Zinc. - and a better picture of the correct ribbon (not in the museum's collection). I've always admired this medal, an example of which I got many years ago in London, but without a ribbon. Years later I got a beautiful matching ribbon from a very old dealer near Altona in Hamburg, who had started up just at the end of WW2 with a secondhand shop with everything. That was really a treasure chest for the collector in the old days. Many another dealer did an apprenticeship with him. Sadly long passed on.











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more details and pictures added

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Militärpass for K.F.J. Rosenberger, originally, Husaren-Regiment 15. On mobilisation, August 1914 he was posted to Husaren-Regt. 16 in Schleswig, and afterwards to 1. Esk., Reserve-Husaren-Regt. 7, which was raised by H.R.16. Copies of the entries in his Militärpass, printed text is clear, here, a transcription of the handwritten entries at the end of the


22.1.17 - 7.8.17 Aufenthalt im Kriegsgebiet in Rumänien u.d. Dobrudscha

11.8.17 - 6.9.17 Kämpfe in Sereth

12.9.18 - 7.5.18 Aufenthalt im Kriegsgebiet in Rumänien u.d Dobrudscha

8.5.18 - 8.10.18 Besatzungsarmee in Rumänien

9.10.18 - 14.11.18 Vorausschutz

ab 15.11.18 Rückzug aus Rumänien infolge Waffenstillstand

and to Personalnotizen, P.8/9

Hus.R.16 22.5. - am 2.8.14 infolge Mobilisation an Res. Hus.7 - 1.Esk. abgegangen.

Am 27.12.18 infolge Demobilisierung zur E. Hus.16 versetzt.

Mit dem 13.1.19 zum Freiwilligen Grenzschutz Schleswig-Holstein versetzt.

Beförderungen: Am 11.1.14 zum at. Sergt. (?), am 20.4.18 zum Offz. Stellvertreter

Führung: Sehr gut (this crossed out and illegible new word)

Strafen: Keine

Orden u. Ehrenzeichen: E.K. II. 2.11.15, Bulg. T.Kr. III.Kl. 27.III.18

Gefechte: (Gefechtsstreifen)

Schleswig, den 22.5.1919

Für die Richtigkeit


Major und Regimentsführer













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Führungszeugnis for Gefreiter Karl Rosenberger from October 1908 till September 1909
signed by Graf von Hoffmannsegg, Rittmeister u. Eskadrons-Chef
Note given: Very good

Copy of Iron Cross 2nd class (preliminary) document for Unteroffizier Karl Weyh of 4. Esk. Husaren-Regt 15
dated 18. November 1915, signed by Oberstleutnant von Zieten, Regimentskommandeur

Copy of a newspaper obituary from Quedlinburg for Oberstleutnant a.D. Carlo Freiherr von Hanstein
documents from the personal papers of Karl Weyh from Wasungen, later Bremen. Date obscured by flash. To be completed.




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Some more detail views of the fieldgrey Attila







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Here, a better photo of the Iron Cross citation for Unteroffizier Karl Weyh, 18. November 1915. Unlike earlier EK documents from 1870 and later 1939, documents did not have a standard appearance and appear in all sorts of forms, often individually improvised in the field. This document is signed by the regimental commander, Oberst von Zieten.

A photocopy of members of the regiment in Kurland in early 1915 and a handwritten description of the situation.

A copy of the obituary for Rittmeister Carlo von Hanstein and some personal notices and dedication by Unteroffizier Weyh, who served in the 4th squadron under von Hanstein, 2 pages.






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Further documentation from the papers of Unteroffizier Karl Weyh, 4.Eskadron. Here, a description of his superior, Rittmeister von Hanstein.


2 photos of the original lance and pennant hanging in the museum. The lance M.1888 was of hollow forged steel and had a length of ca. 3,20 metres. The handstrap has been correctly copied.

The lance and pennant in this form were used as standard armament till 1928 and then finally abolished. Most of them were scrapped or used for other purposes, it is said that the fencing around the Kavallerie-Schule in Krampnitz near Potsdam was made from thousands of original lances.







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  • 3 weeks later...

New photos from Museum.

The Schabracke (Saddle cloth) has been lightly cleaned, stains partially removed.

A Prussian lance pennant for NCOs, different to other ranks'.

A Prussian lance pennant for other ranks, not sure if this is an original or a very old copy,
very exact, but has no issue stamp or date. Note also form of lance tip.




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Further picture from museum added.

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  • 1 month later...

Two "donations" last month to the museum. The first is only a photo copy of an incomplete picture. To the left and right the photo has been cut to remove a certain person, we were told, someone in that family had wanted to remove a person, who was supposed to have become a "murderer" at a later time. Unfortunately there is nobody of that generation left to explain more. The picture is of the reservists of the period 1891-94. The person in the top centre is a Gefreiter Röper, as explained in a new handwritten notice by the owner.

The second photo is an original of "Fiete" Friedrich Driechel from the family of the donor of the photo, who explained that he had no further relatives and therefore donated the picture to the museum. He is stated to have belonged to Husaren-Regt.15 but is wearing a different uniform in this photo of about 1914/15. The uniform in the picture looks like a Train-Soldat, wearing a cavalry belt and sidearm and cavalry boots. Also the lightish colour of the cap band would indicate a light blue, the shoulder straps bear the number "9", being most likely Schleswig-Holsteinisches Train-Bataillon No.9 in Rendsburg.






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