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MENIN GATE SOUVENIR....................

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A small souvenir from the menin gate,
circa 1927?
I should imagine there were quite a few of these knocking about,
although I think most have been lost or melted down,
over time a small memento of a structure ,
so close to peoples hearts .

the medallion is 25mm in diameter,

war souvenirs can be a touchy subject I know,

but I think something like this deserves a place in any militaria collection,

as when it was originally sold ,

I expect it went towards rebuilding Ypres to some extent ,

the last 3 photos are of A) THE Menin gate 11-11-2014

B)Ypres during the war

C) Ypres during the day 11-1-2014

you do the maths ! B)






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Menin Gate
kindly sent by Paul Foster

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