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  1. Shortly after the US declaration of war in April of 1917 the US ordered around 400,000 helmets from the British for use by the American Expeditionary Force. While the US Manufacturers developed their own M1917 helmet and got production up to speed, very few of the M1917s made it to the Western Front before the Armistice. It was replaced by the M1917AI in the late 1930s - 1941 and the M1 helmet and liner was phased in 1941 - 1942.
  2. One badge, which has always been in my father's possession is the badge of the Australian Commonwealth Military Forces - a bronze example from WW1. It had belonged to his uncle - I think his name was Hughes, and he served in the Australian Army during WW1, unforunately, have no record of service. The second badge I purchased myself, a similar one had been worn by my uncle, John St.Claire Clarke, born in 1897 at The Cottage, Antrim. He had served with the North Irish Horse as a volunteer from 1915-1917, and had been invalided out, as far as I know. Unfortunately, I never saw any of his souvenirs of that service. My aunt always wanted to give me his medals and the two polished brass shellcases, which had been on the mantlepiece for many years. After my aunt passed away in 1979, we never came across said articles. Don't know what happened there. However, still have some of his papers, including a medical record from leaving Colonial Service in British West Africa, as a Colonial Officer, he had been infected with Malaria. That was in the 1920s in the postwar period. He was later an official in the Bank of England in London, thereafter, an official in local government offices in Stormont, N.I., until his retirement in 1962. The copies of the typed reference of service read: No.H./71701 Corporal Clarke, J.St.C. served in the unit under my command for a period of two years, duing that time he was Honest, Sober, and hardworking and a good disciplinarian; his educational qualities were very good, his conduct during the whole of his service was exemplary. (Signed) H. Maude, Colonel Commanding North Irish Horse Antrim, 4: 3: 1919 I always wanted to find out more about his service record. Apparently many records were destroyed during the "Blitz" in 1940. Some however have been restored, the damage was apparently not as total as originally estimated. I wonder which medals he had, possibly the War Medal, the Victory Medal, The 1914/15 Star, maybe the King's Badge and possibly more??? Does anyone perhaps have any more information on this subject? 2154 No overseas service * Enlisted 20 April 1916. Discharged 13 March 1918.
  3. Here's a list of known makers of British WW1/WW2 helmets and Liner Markings. British Steel Suppliers of WW1 British Helmets. V = Vickers Ltd of Sheffield.......................1916 - 1917. MS= Miris Steel Co Ltd of London..............1916 - 1917. ( also produced helmets after Aug 1916 ). also used "MLS" marks. FS= Thomas Firth & Sons Ltd of Sheffield............1916 - 1918. ( also used "F" mark and most likely used "FKS" marks ).. O = Samuel Osborne & Co Ltd of Sheffield........1916 - 1918. A = Edgar Allen & Co Ltd of Sheffield ......1916 - 1918. M = J & J Maxfield & Sons Ltd Sheffield.1916 - 1918. B = Bury's & Co Ltd of Sheffield................1916 - 1918. BS= W.Beardmore & Co Ltd of Glasgow....1915 - 1919. HS= Hadfield Ltd of Sheffield......................1916 - 1919. Known Makers of WW1 British Helmets. D = James Dixon & Sons Ltd of Sheffield .............. 1915. V = W & E Viener Ltd of Sheffield.................. 1915. ( possibly used EV mark ). M = J&J Maxfield & Sons Ltd of Sheffield .......1915. ( possibly used "M&S" mark ). H = Hutton & Sons Ltd of Sheffield................. 1915. HH = Harrison Bros & Howson Ltd of Sheffield. 1915.. R = John Round & Sons Ltd of Sheffield. 1916. Other Makers not part of the Sheffield Munitions Committee Groups. Army & Navy Co-operative Society Sept 1915 to Jan 1916 ( Not Marked ). Joseph Sankey & Sons Ltd Oct 1915 to Oct 1916 ( No Marks Except Steel Suppliers Mark ). Bleriot Ltd May 1916 to Oct 1916 ( No Marks Except Steel Suppliers Mark ). Known Makers of WW2 British Helmets. AMC = Austin Motor Co Ltd Cowley. 1941. BMB = Briggs Motor Bodies Ltd of Dagenham. 1939 - 1945. BS = William Beardmore Steel Co of Glasgow. F & L= Fisher & Ludlow Ltd of Birmingham. 1939 - 1942. WD = William Dodson & Sons of Birmingham. 1938 - 1941 ( possibly also used "WDS" marks ). Helmets Ltd = Helmets Ltd of Wheathampstead. RO & CO = Rubery Owen & Co Ltd of Leeds. 1939 - 1943 ( Spelled as RO.CO or RO & CO ). JSS = Joseph Sankey & Sons Ltd Bilston . 1938 - 1941. Cs. = Clydesdale Stamping Co Ltd. Dudley. 1939 - 1940. ( used a letter S within a letter C mark ). HBH = Harrison Bros & Howson. Sheffield. 1938 - 1943. EC & CO = E Camelinat & Co Ltd Birmingham. 1939 - 1944. ( also used just EC mark ). SO = Samual Osborne & Co Ltd. Sheffield. SC = Steel Ceillings Ltd. Hayes. 1939 - 1940 EB = Eveson Bros of Worchester. 1939 - 1943 ( possibly also used "EBW" marks ). PPM = Patent Pulp Manufacturing Co Ltd Thetford. ( Tank Crew and Motorcycle Dispatch Helmets ). Known Makers of British Helmet Liners. BMB 1 = Briggs Motor Bodies Ltd of Dagenham.........1939 - 1945. BH & G = Barrow Hepburn & Gale Ltd. London...........1939 - 1940. FFL 2 = Fisher. Foil. Ltd.............................................1941 - 1945 Helmets Ltd 1 = Helmets Ltd of Wheathampstead.......1937 - 1943. Vero 2 = Everett.W.Vero & Co London.........................1937 - 1944. TTC 1 = Teddy Toy Co Ltd. Dagenham.......................1939 - 1943. also used TTC 2 mark. FFC 2 = ?. SNL 2 = S.E.Norris Ltd. Dagenham. ( also "N" Ltd 2 ).1940. JCS&W= J. Crompton Sons & Webb Ltd. London........1938 - 1943. CCL 2 = Christy & Co Ltd London................................1940 - 1945. LWL = Lane & Whittaker Ltd..........................................1940 G.& S = Gimson & Slater of Nottingham........................1943 F&L 1 = Fisher & Ludlow Ltd Birmingham.....................1939 - 1942 AG = A.Garstin & Co Ltd. LPC = ?..........................1941 PPM = Patent Pulp Manufacturing Co Ltd Thetford. J&AJB 2 = ?...................1941 E & R = ?.......................1941 W&LC= ?......................1941 F.H = Failsworth Hats Ltd Oldham. H & S = ?......................1941 Commonwealth Helmet & Liner Makers. Known Makers of Canadian WW2 Helmets. CL/C = Canadian Motor Lamp Co. of Windsor.............1940 - 1943 AG/C = Aluminium Goods Co. of Toronto....................1942 exclusively GSW = General Steel Wares. of Toronto.....................1940 - 1942 Known Makers of Canadian WW2 Liners. Baskstay Standard Co of Ontario. ( Also made chinstraps ). Viceroy Manufacturing Co of Toronto. ( C/Arrow 144 ) and VMC )...1940 - 1945 Scully Manufacturing Co of Montreal. Known Makers of Australian WW2 Helmets. CS. = Commonwealth Steel Co (Australia ). Waratah ( NSW ). John Heine & Son Ltd Sydney. Known Makers of Australian WW2 Liners. Dunlop. = Dunlop Rubber Co Ltd Sydney. ( Aust & NZ ) 1940 - 1945 Known Makers of South African WW2 Helmets. TSP = Transvaal Steel Pressing Syndicate Ltd Johnnesburg. Known Makers of South African WW2 Liners. Jager Rand.& ( mark- Broad Arrow inside Letter "U" )...1940 - 1942 Known Makers of New Zealand WW2 Helmets. NPZ marked commonly referred as made by New Zealand Pressings, but helmet shells imported from Australia made by CS and assembled by General Motors Petone Wellington.The helmet lugs were made by Precision Engineering Co they supplied only 40,000 to General Motors and had stamped them ( nPz 1941 ) this was the only consignment ever made by this firm. The liners were made by Dunlop Rubber Co Ltd. This list is on going if you know of any more please let us know.
  4. Austria-Hungary / k.u.k. Monarchie Not much to show so far, fieldgrey cockade arrived today: An Austrian M.95 Steyr bayonet as already featured under bayonets. An officer's Portépée with monogram FJ, worn till December 1916, very fine quality gold wire woven and embroidered, strap with white saffian leather underlay, heavy item compared to the sword it was attached to. An Austrian belt buckle, looks a little new, originality uncertain. A Kappenrose, hollow brass with cut-out monogram IFJ for Franz Joseph I, rear with double prongs A Kappenrose, fieldgrey with cut-out monogram K for Karl, as from December 1916, rear with two retaining loops Kappenröschen zur Offizierskappe, Regierungszeit Kaiser Karl, 1917-1918 Some Pailletten missing from top half 2 k.u.k. uniform buttons, most likely of a civil or state uniform, 20mm, fire-gilded bronze, one button considerably darkened One button has simply WIEN, the other EXTRA RICH and Imperial Eagle above. Koppelschloß ab ca. 1916, Eisen, feldgrau Lederkoppel to replace the previous belt, 1915 dated, no further marks
  5. Hello everyone. I recently acquired a Webley mkV that was issued in September of 1915 to the 14btn Royal Fusiliers on rack 1. I know the unit was at the Somme and Mametz Woods, but I haven’t been able to find much more. I was just wondering if anyone knows anything about the battalion, has related artifacts, or could tell me more about the Webley.
  6. Examples of a Bugle and a flute as issued to company musicians in the field. The Bugle - Signalhorn M.1889 has maker marks of Philipp Reichel, Markneukirchen, 1915. To the front is a medallion bearing the Prussian heraldic eagle with sceptre and sword. There are two suspension rings for attaching a dark red leather adjustable strap with a sliding buckle. The bugle was always worn with a covering of red felt wrappings, later fieldgrey. This item was restored by a wind instrument maker, and this cost more than the item itself. This item was carried by buglers in the foot regiments. Cavalry trumpets were longer. A company in the field had several buglers. A bugler accompanied the commanding officers in the field to transmit signals for advance, retreat, etc. A drummer was also always present, to give the march tempo. A flute - Flöte, wooden with end pieces made of Zinc, normally of white metal. and manufactured by Philipp Reichel, Markneukirchen in 1917. This bears the makers mark, with the date stamp and an Imperial Eagle. These were always carried in a cylindrical leather container attached to the belt. This instrument was also issued to each bugler, so that marches and military music could be played on the march, together with drummers. Virtually Unchanged since the 18th Century. These instruments were also used by the Wehrmacht. Markneukirchen in Thüringen is still today, a centre for the (cottage-industry) manufacture of traditional music instruments. Last illustration depicts the flute in it's belt-container and the (old pattern) bugle as worn with strap and covering. Illustration and text from "Das Deutsche Reichsheer" by Krickel & Lange, Berlin o.J. (1892) The cavalry trumpet was considerably longer
  7. Just landed today. I've been told that it's a WW1 Italian 86mm Thevenot Mortar Bomb.I do know that there is other ordinance that also has that name. Can anyone tell me exactly what it is? Very much a relic but it's a survivor & hard to find I reckon so I'm pleased with it. Trawled the net for info but all I've been able to find is a single period photo of them next to the weapon which may be copyrighted so I won't post it. Any help with additional info would be appreciated.
  8. A few items of Imperial Russian Militaria from the times dating till 1917. I had quite a few items in the old days, these are all that remain, apart from a belt buckle, later to follow. Cockades in the Tsarist Romanow colours for the peaked or peakless field cap or the Papaschka (fur cap worn in the Winter). The cockade on the left is for officers, and for other ranks on the right. A further item is a French manufactured Russian Imperial emblem for the M.1915 Adrian helmet, with almost all of its orginal khaki finish. Only about 300.000 of these helmets were delivered to the Russian army and these were mostly worn on the Mesopotamian Front. Quite rare. This example came from an antique shop near the university in Hamburg many years ago. Just a surprise find. The last item is a single shoulder strap for an officer, Подпору́чик - Podporuchik (Unterleutnant) of Leib Grenadier Regiment 113, which bears the monogram of Tsar Nikolai II. This regiment was based in Kronstadt in the present day Baltic States. The button on this example is missing, but has been replaced by an Imperial Eagle originating from such a button. After the October Revolution in 1917 all symbols were removed from the uniforms. Many regiments had mutinied against the Tsar and went over to the Bolscheviks.
  9. Here's a nice example of a French 'Grenade Contre fil Barbele'.This is a 1916 version which was larger than its predecessor containing 800g of Chedite. It's smaller brother contained 400g of Chedite It was basically a sheet metal cylinder with a wooden plug and a stick with a hollowed out centre containing a traction igniter. Its main use was for blowing up barbed wire. Pictured next to an M16 stick grenade for scale.
  10. Tomorrow is the 100th Anniversary of the opening of the Battle of the Somme on 1st July 1916. I can remember my father talking about it fifty years ago, that was then the 50th anniversary, now we have 100. Pictures via wikipedia Lancashire Fusiliers fix bayonets German dead near Combles-Guillemont, September 1916 Further pictures of a restored, empty British 18 pounder shell, purchased during a W.F.A. Tour in Spring 1983 at an official kiosk at the Delville Wood Battle site. The brass fuse cap is still clearly marked with the grid numbering and a lot number 1058-1916 and B.S.C. No.85, being presumably Birmingham Small Arms Co. Thousands of these shells of all calibres must have rained down on the German positions during this period, many are still being found, some lay by the wayside, others are sold for the upkeep of the memorial site, which was given to South Africa.
  11. Here is a selection of "standard" German bayonet types at the beginning of WW1. The older types were the shorter SG 84/98 a.A., which had been converted from the old M.71/84, and had been adapted for the new G.98 rifle, whereas the older 71/84 model was only suited to the G.71/84 or G.88 rifle, which were still available in sufficient numbers to equip the reserve troops. Shown are two examples of the SG 84/98 aA (old model) in varying lengths. These had the same blades as the SG 71/84 (middle). The SG 71/84 shown has a stamp on the rear of the hilt: being 31.R.6.25 meaning Inf.-Regt.31, 6th Comp., weapon no.25. There is a date on the spine of the blade of 1888, beneath a crowned "W". The blades of all three weapons are by Weyersberg, Kirchbaum & Cie., Solingen. All three weapons have walnut grips. The rear of the pommel shows two crowned inspection marks, which are almost always present. In most cases, the blades were only sharpened on mobilisation, never in peacetime. The misuse of blades was also absolutely prohibited. The scabbard of the SG 71/84 shown here is missing, but would have been identical to the SG 84/98. When leather scabbards became unserviceable during WW1, they were replaced by the depot with steel scabbards. Each unit had it's own armourers workshops, which, constantly inspected the weaponry and carried out the necessary repairs and replacements. Further examples shown are of the SG 98/05, which was issued in large numbers till about 1918, and was probably the most common bayonet of WW1. It was originally conceived for the foot artillery for use with the G.98 and Kar 98, but was found most practical as a general service bayonet. This was originally issued with a leather scabbard, but as from 1915 steel scabbards were produced, which proved more durable under the damp and harsh conditions at the front. Shown is a 1914 produced bayonet by Haenel in Suhl with a leather scabbard. The other is a 1915 example by V.C.Schilling in Suhl and is with a steel scabbard, the hilt has lugs as a reduction of a muzzle ring, as well as no fireguard above the grips. These versions are now rarely encountered, as they were usually later fitted with a fireguard and the lugs filed down. The next two examples shown are a SG 98/05 sawback in a steel scabbard and dated 1916. This example is made by E.& F. Hörster in Solingen. The shorter bayonet is a SG 84/98 n.A. (new type) with fireguard and sawback and was issued with a steel scabbard. The blade on this example was made by Gebrüder Heller in Marienthal. The other marking to the reverse of the blade is a crowned ERFURT mark, where the weapon was produced. This example has no date stamp to the spine of the blade. The grips are of fine walnut. In the course of the war the Allies threatened to kill all prisoners who were found carrying sawback weapons, so the Germans began to withdraw these and file the sawback down. Recommended literature: Preussisch-Deutsche Seitengewehre 1807-1945 by Rudiger Franz, Journal-Verlag Schwend, 1994 (appearing in several volumes) 1884/98 old type, 2 examples, blades of varying lenghts, original leather scabbards as before, and centre - M.1871/84, scabbard missing, I.R.31 M.84/98 old type, two examples: first one mismatched - 18.R.7.x? and scabbard: 63.R. 9. 35 Second: 16 R.3.134 - Inf.-Regt.16 3. Kompagnie, weapon no.134 R = Regiment, French styled R = Reserve-Regiment+ The original numbering has been officially deleted (always still legible) for a change of weapon number! 84/98 old type, one example with crown and Erfurt mark Both blades with W and (18)87, one with RC for Revisions-Commission 1898 Bayonet, long, 2 variations, 1st and 2nd type. They were withdrawn from active service around November 1914! Bayonet and scabbard are from two different regiments. Note damaged scabbard tip (eaten away by corrosion) 2nd type, heavily corroded and damaged scabbard tip has now been expertly restored using an original re-worked replacement part! Many thanks to Michael St., did a very good job. 2 examples M.1898/05, leather scabbard, dated 1914 and steel scabbard, 1915, first type with reduced ring lugs and without flashguard. I remember getting the 1914 example complete with frog and knot of 2.Kompanie from an antique dealer in Altona, Günther Lange, he told me had been with SS-Division Wiking and had been highly decorated 1898/05, older type with reduced ring lugs but with later steel scabbard, 1915 - without flashguard 1898/05 with dates, 1914, 1915 and 1916 M.98/05 with various makers M.98/05 with sawback, with flashguard and steel scabbard, 1916 M.84/98 new pattern with sawback and flashguard, undated, steel scabbard M.71/84 and 84/98 new pattern with flashguard and sawback with crowned Erfurt stamp. Both with very fine quality wooden grips 1884/98 new pattern with flashguard and sawback with makers mark: Gebr.Heller, Marienthal, crossguard stamped with number 1871/84 with maker mark: Weyersberg, Kirschbaum & Cie., Solingen - crossguard stamped: 31.R.6.25 -Infanterie-Regt.31, 6. Komp., weapon number 25
  12. Hey everyone! So today I came across a WW1 Tornister brand backpack that costs 47 bucks. Honestly I never thought about buying a backpack but it seemed to me very fair price. I always thought they would lot more expensive. Now I’m started to looking the other backpacks. I found a WW2 version that in better condition. But it costs $95. So more than a twice of ww1 one. (But I guess it is still fair price since ww2 stuff more expensive ) I am also interesting with WW1 era but not much as a WW2 ( like majority of people) but in other hand I decided to buy mostly because of the fair price and now I am raising the bar. And feel like if I buy the ww2 one I will miss the good opportunity ( if it is a good and not a typical price as I thought) buying both would be too much for me as a new collector and when there is many different thing to add to collection. (also my girlfriend would gone mad probably) So I need you guys to help me out. What is your opinions about that? First 5 photo from WW1 one that costs $47
  13. Hello all ... To anyone interested, I have an EK 2 from WW1 and it bears all the hallmarks of being authentic; three-piece, magnetic core, maker's mark and right feel/look. However the ribbon seems unusual in that the white stripes adorning the edges seem thinner than the standard. The ribbon hangs from a kind of end-clasp with pin. It is stamped 'LW' which as far as I can tell was a genuine period maker of this medal but the exact name is not known. Can anyone out there explain the appearance of this ribbon and were there others like it? ... also, if by some chance anyone knows anything of this maker and can shed a little light on the matter I would be grateful. Thanks.
  14. I inherited a small collection of (23) pre WWI Oscar Tellgmann, Eschwege black and white photographs, many signed and dated 1912. Also (1) Oscar Tellgmann cabinet card photograph and a blank German postcard. All inscriptions on the back of the photos are in pencil and appear to be in Oscar Tellgmann’s stylized hand. Fourteen photos have white, hand-inscribed numbers on photo front– characteristic of Tellgmann’s technique. Several photographs have a distinctive double lined “T” symbol or f-stop pencil notations inscribed on the back as well. One photo has an embossed logo and four others have a stamped logo in left back corner. I have researched Getty, Alamy and other online resources for O.T. images and only find one of the images I have. Samples attached. Would anyone be so kind as to advise what is the best way to proceed with the sale of these 100+ year old photos? Is an auction house the best way to go? Is an appraisal and authentication necessary? Are scans or cell phone images of both front and back necessary/acceptable? Sm., Med., or Lg? Would I need to establish a Venmo account? I am in the US. Any advice you are able to give would be most appreciated.
  15. Here, the most common examples: Croix de Guerre, with palm The Belgian War Medal 1914-18 The Victory Medal The Croix de Guerre was likely inspired by the original French version. The reverse has the monogram A for King Albert. As with the French decoration, there were palms awarded for citations. A good striking, probably Paris made, as ninety percent of Belgium was occupied. The War Medal is on a nice original ribbon with the double steel prong mounting pins, emcountered on French and Belgian medals. The victory medal has a ribbon, which varies from the contemporary silk ribbons, but may be an older official replacement. Used to have more and better Belgian decorations, including the CdG and Bronze Medal of the Order of Leopold, but reduced this field many years ago. Belgian medals had inscriptions in both French and Flemish. In second illustration is also a gold-plated bronze pin bar from a Croix de Guerre, one of the popular types of suspension for single medals, as an alternative to the double pins, these could also vary in length according to the number of decorations.
  16. This is a real beast of a grenade & that's saying something because most Austro-Hungarian jobs are chunky.Weighing in at 1.3 kg. I know very little about it other than it being described as a 'Jam Pot' on account of its shape I imagine. A great addition to my Austro-Hungarian grenade collection now standing at 9 pieces. You can't beat a belt hook Manufacturers initials I reckon. It does have a safety cap but its beyond restoration. A pattern though for sure. Size comparison to the more common 'Heavy Schwere'
  17. I have a few Italian WW1 grenades and this is probably my favourite the Benaglia Rifle Grenade. I had to work hard on the wings because they were pretty badly corroded but soaking them in white vinegar,wire wooling and a careful use of a drimmel bought them back nicely. Like anything Italian I think it has lots of style
  18. Here's a hard to find WW1 French Bertrand gas grenade. Tiny little thing just bigger than a golf ball. As I understand it it contained a glass orb inside it that was filled with gas that was prone to breaking before it was thrown so it wasn't popular with troops.Bought it a few months ago in relic condition & since then It's spent most of its time in white vinegar which is shifting the rust slowly but surely. Seeing some nice grey pig iron as the rust dissolves & I'm changing the vinegar every week or so because it turns black & murky & not so nice. I'm hoping another month will see it back to clean grey pig iron all over. Then its just a case of re wrapping it in some authentic looking wire and job done. Watch this space.
  19. Does anyone have any information on WWI German pocket watches such as this one. This watch was purchased in Munich in the 1990s and it is still working.
  20. Unteroffizier Ernst Weckerling from Infanterie-Regiment 81, born 1897 One hundred years ago the battle of Verdun was being fought. It was there that the Germans had developed a plan to break the stalemate of the trenches: they were going to to bleed the French white by inflicting disproportional losses on them. The target was Verdun, a prestigious city fortress that had protected France in many occassions before. First-hand accounts of survivors of this battle are a bit on the rare side, let alone veterans who were recorded telling of their experiences. One such man was Unteroffizier Ernst Weckerling, who appeared in the PBS documentary "People's Century" sporting the famous German Pickelhaube. (quora.com) Unteroffizier Franz Weckerling of Füsilier-Regiment 80 in a late interview. He is wearing an officer's helmet, which would not have been appropriate, probably later acquired. Robert Meier, 1897-2007, Germany's Former Oldest Living Man and a WWI veteran Author German Werth - eye witness reports on Verdun, including interview with Ernst Weckerling and several others.
  21. German M.16 Steel Helmet This nice old helmet I acquired from a second hand shop in London on 12th September 1964 and it cost the princely sum of 40 shillings or 2 pounds. The dealer wanted originally "our price 45 bob", as they said in those days. I bargained a little, agreed on 2 pounds and left a deposit of ten shillings, and then started saving my pocket money like mad, and about one month later I paid the rest and was the pround young owner of a German Steel Helmet. At first I wondered a little at the curious shape and with the horns, but then after looking at many pictures, tv-documentaries about the Great War and WWII, I realised it was a WWI piece. Was still very proud of this old piece. The helmet in is very good condition, as fresh from the, possibly, Somme battlefields, just as brought back. Paintwork is astonishingly intact, just minor wear, the leather liner complete and fresh, just slighly wear stained. The original brass strap holders were still in place, no strap. Later learned that these straps were taken from the pickelhaube when the steel helmet was worn. The first steel helmets were left in the trenches when the troops were relieved, and these handed over to the newcomers. This helmet bears a stamp ET64 shell size 64, and produced by the Eisenhüttenwerk in Thale/Harz, one of the first manufacturers. Inside the shell is a small stamp: R/18, presumably Infanterie-Regt.18, which was based in Posen. The first steel helmets were issued for the assault on Verdun, but only in very small numbers, until gradually production capacities increased, so that most infantry had helmets by August-September 1916. The first steel helmet appeared in February 1916 in small numbers on the Verdun Front - 100 years ago
  22. Field grey infantry peaked cap with patent leather strap. Cap could be either for Hessen, I.R. 115, 116, 117, 118 or 168. In very clean, fresh condition, fine doeskin cloth, brown waxcloth sweatband, slight traces of wear to inside, only very slight traces of mothing, ca. 1914-16 - over 100 years old. Purchased in early 1968 in Londons Portobello Road for only 5 pounds!
  23. Hello Everyone, I’m new to this. I’ve got a few questions about a helmet I bought many years ago. It has a new liner (reproduction) but I’d like to be sure what the shell is. I found it in the US. It seems to be a First World War Brodie. Reading this forum was very helpful. There's a wealth of expertise here! So here’s what I noticed: • It has the split pins to attach chin strap and the liner, with soldered hoops. The hoops came with the helmet. • The paint looks very original, with brush marks, and some attempt at camouflage. It has the sandy finish. • A stamping appears on the inner rim. It seems to be 118 and then it has a large I with a 4 and another large I. I hope the pictures show what I mean. • The brown felt pad at the top seems to have a rubber donut under it, as far as my prying fingers can tell, which would make it 1917 or later, I think? Any advice is most gratefully accepted. Best wishes, Allan
  24. A good example of a Prussian Artillery officer's peaked cap for garrison wear, dating from around 1915/16. This has a stiffened top in fine lightweight fieldgrey ribbed cloth. The band is of black velvet, as were all officer's facings when black. Crown and and band are piped in bright red, the peak of black lacquered vulcan fibre, the peak inner is lacquered fieldgrey. As from September 1915 peaks were to be lacquered fieldgrey, but this was seldom followed. The sweat band is of flimsy light grey waxcloth, the lining is of light grey ribbed silk, with much staining and slight shredding, handwritten name : Tode. Both the Reichskokarde over the Prussian cockade. This cap was also for pioniers, technical and aviation troops, as well as field and foot artillery. A foam rubber strip has been inserted under the crown to keep it in shape (easily removed). Obtained many years ago from a Hamburg militaria dealer around 1979.
  25. Garde-Ulanen Tschapka, fieldgrey - now transferred to main article "Pickelhaube", 23.01.2020
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