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Found 3 results

  1. This page just really hurts my head.... great photos but really is like 'wait that isn't right' http://www.warhistoryonline.com/war-articles/27-images-captured-sherman-tanks-german-hands.html On the other hand, so glad to see doesn't matter what tank a German Tank Commander has, he is always hanging out the top hatch!
  2. In this thread you can post your German army helmets, this came in today, captured during a commando raid. A very nice example of an Army single decal M40 helmet.Almost 100% of decal remaining and most paint to helmet shell which is stamped SE64 and serial numbered 852 complete with ink dome stamp.Liner in excellent condition size stamped 56 with original drawstring and chinstrap which has a period repair. Not only is this one of the nicest helmets we have come across but on closer inspection we noticed the writing STORD. 23/24 Jan 1943 written to the front of the helmet in yellow pencil. Upon further research we found the significance of this name and date and it is in fact a British Commando Raid. In the raid three German soldiers were captured, it is very likely this helmet belonged to one of them. Also written on the liner is the name 3391171 Taylor we have not been able to research this name and number but we think it is very likely this is the name of the British Commando who brought it back , if this could be proved it would make the helmet even more desirable. The helmet was brought in by a relative of the original owner unfortunately she knew nothing of the relatives past however we think most likely he was a Commando. Operation Cartoon DATE: Night 23-24.01.43 LOCATION: Stord UNIT(S): 10,12 Cdos NUMBERS: 63 DESCRIPTION: A complete success, this operation’s aim was to destroy the pyrite mine on the island of Stord near Leirvik. Members of 12 Cdo were accompanied by 10 men from the Norwegian troop of 10 (IA) Cdo under Captain Harald Risnes, 7 MTB’s of the 30th (Royal Norwegian Navy) MTB flottila were used as transport. Half the force were landed at Sagvåg quay and engaged the defending German positions there whilst the remainder were landed on the other side of the bay. The mine which was 2 miles away was reached in 25 minutes by the men who were carrying 50lbs of explosives each. The charges were set and the mine put out of action for a year. Meanwhile 3 of the MTB’s went on to Leirvik in search of shipping but found none. However on the way back a ship was attacked and left in a sinking condition, mines were also laid. The raid netted 3 German prisoners as well as a quantity of papers and equipment, this was achieved for the loss of 1 commando killed, 2 commando’s and 8 sailors injured.
  3. Hello everyone. I am from Russia and I am new in this forum. I am looking to buy a German Wehrmacht helmet but i don’t have a much of a knowledge.. well I don’t have at all honestly. so I have some questions first Does M40 helmets cost more or more precious than M35 Helmets or there is no difference? what do you think about re-painted helmets? Personally I have a mixed feelings about them. Looks good but it’s spoils the originality in same time. My last question is; what is the average prices for a m40 or M35 helmets with some rust, without sweetband but all in one peace? I’m finding too many helmets with similar conditions but in very different prices. There must be fake ones also of course. I’m going to upload some helmets of sellers from Russia. Could you advise me about their originality and prices? ( I can add more photos of specific ones) first black one cost 137$ second green one costs 64.5 $ 3th one is 114 $ There is more that costs 25-30$ (They are rusty or there is some big holes ) and repainted ones . I didn't add them because otherwise post will be too long . thank you for the help .
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