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  1. Here's a list of known makers of British WW1/WW2 helmets and Liner Markings. British Steel Suppliers of WW1 British Helmets. V = Vickers Ltd of Sheffield.......................1916 - 1917. MS= Miris Steel Co Ltd of London..............1916 - 1917. ( also produced helmets after Aug 1916 ). also used "MLS" marks. FS= Thomas Firth & Sons Ltd of Sheffield............1916 - 1918. ( also used "F" mark and most likely used "FKS" marks ).. O = Samuel Osborne & Co Ltd of Sheffield........1916 - 1918. A = Edgar Allen & Co Ltd of Sheffield ......1916 - 1918. M = J & J Maxfield & Sons Ltd Sheffield.1916 - 1918. B = Bury's & Co Ltd of Sheffield................1916 - 1918. BS= W.Beardmore & Co Ltd of Glasgow....1915 - 1919. HS= Hadfield Ltd of Sheffield......................1916 - 1919. Known Makers of WW1 British Helmets. D = James Dixon & Sons Ltd of Sheffield .............. 1915. V = W & E Viener Ltd of Sheffield.................. 1915. ( possibly used EV mark ). M = J&J Maxfield & Sons Ltd of Sheffield .......1915. ( possibly used "M&S" mark ). H = Hutton & Sons Ltd of Sheffield................. 1915. HH = Harrison Bros & Howson Ltd of Sheffield. 1915.. R = John Round & Sons Ltd of Sheffield. 1916. Other Makers not part of the Sheffield Munitions Committee Groups. Army & Navy Co-operative Society Sept 1915 to Jan 1916 ( Not Marked ). Joseph Sankey & Sons Ltd Oct 1915 to Oct 1916 ( No Marks Except Steel Suppliers Mark ). Bleriot Ltd May 1916 to Oct 1916 ( No Marks Except Steel Suppliers Mark ). Known Makers of WW2 British Helmets. AMC = Austin Motor Co Ltd Cowley. 1941. BMB = Briggs Motor Bodies Ltd of Dagenham. 1939 - 1945. BS = William Beardmore Steel Co of Glasgow. F & L= Fisher & Ludlow Ltd of Birmingham. 1939 - 1942. WD = William Dodson & Sons of Birmingham. 1938 - 1941 ( possibly also used "WDS" marks ). Helmets Ltd = Helmets Ltd of Wheathampstead. RO & CO = Rubery Owen & Co Ltd of Leeds. 1939 - 1943 ( Spelled as RO.CO or RO & CO ). JSS = Joseph Sankey & Sons Ltd Bilston . 1938 - 1941. Cs. = Clydesdale Stamping Co Ltd. Dudley. 1939 - 1940. ( used a letter S within a letter C mark ). HBH = Harrison Bros & Howson. Sheffield. 1938 - 1943. EC & CO = E Camelinat & Co Ltd Birmingham. 1939 - 1944. ( also used just EC mark ). SO = Samual Osborne & Co Ltd. Sheffield. SC = Steel Ceillings Ltd. Hayes. 1939 - 1940 EB = Eveson Bros of Worchester. 1939 - 1943 ( possibly also used "EBW" marks ). PPM = Patent Pulp Manufacturing Co Ltd Thetford. ( Tank Crew and Motorcycle Dispatch Helmets ). Known Makers of British Helmet Liners. BMB 1 = Briggs Motor Bodies Ltd of Dagenham.........1939 - 1945. BH & G = Barrow Hepburn & Gale Ltd. London...........1939 - 1940. FFL 2 = Fisher. Foil. Ltd.............................................1941 - 1945 Helmets Ltd 1 = Helmets Ltd of Wheathampstead.......1937 - 1943. Vero 2 = Everett.W.Vero & Co London.........................1937 - 1944. TTC 1 = Teddy Toy Co Ltd. Dagenham.......................1939 - 1943. also used TTC 2 mark. FFC 2 = ?. SNL 2 = S.E.Norris Ltd. Dagenham. ( also "N" Ltd 2 ).1940. JCS&W= J. Crompton Sons & Webb Ltd. London........1938 - 1943. CCL 2 = Christy & Co Ltd London................................1940 - 1945. LWL = Lane & Whittaker Ltd..........................................1940 G.& S = Gimson & Slater of Nottingham........................1943 F&L 1 = Fisher & Ludlow Ltd Birmingham.....................1939 - 1942 AG = A.Garstin & Co Ltd. LPC = ?..........................1941 PPM = Patent Pulp Manufacturing Co Ltd Thetford. J&AJB 2 = ?...................1941 E & R = ?.......................1941 W&LC= ?......................1941 F.H = Failsworth Hats Ltd Oldham. H & S = ?......................1941 Commonwealth Helmet & Liner Makers. Known Makers of Canadian WW2 Helmets. CL/C = Canadian Motor Lamp Co. of Windsor.............1940 - 1943 AG/C = Aluminium Goods Co. of Toronto....................1942 exclusively GSW = General Steel Wares. of Toronto.....................1940 - 1942 Known Makers of Canadian WW2 Liners. Baskstay Standard Co of Ontario. ( Also made chinstraps ). Viceroy Manufacturing Co of Toronto. ( C/Arrow 144 ) and VMC )...1940 - 1945 Scully Manufacturing Co of Montreal. Known Makers of Australian WW2 Helmets. CS. = Commonwealth Steel Co (Australia ). Waratah ( NSW ). John Heine & Son Ltd Sydney. Known Makers of Australian WW2 Liners. Dunlop. = Dunlop Rubber Co Ltd Sydney. ( Aust & NZ ) 1940 - 1945 Known Makers of South African WW2 Helmets. TSP = Transvaal Steel Pressing Syndicate Ltd Johnnesburg. Known Makers of South African WW2 Liners. Jager Rand.& ( mark- Broad Arrow inside Letter "U" )...1940 - 1942 Known Makers of New Zealand WW2 Helmets. NPZ marked commonly referred as made by New Zealand Pressings, but helmet shells imported from Australia made by CS and assembled by General Motors Petone Wellington.The helmet lugs were made by Precision Engineering Co they supplied only 40,000 to General Motors and had stamped them ( nPz 1941 ) this was the only consignment ever made by this firm. The liners were made by Dunlop Rubber Co Ltd. This list is on going if you know of any more please let us know.
  2. Shortly after the US declaration of war in April of 1917 the US ordered around 400,000 helmets from the British for use by the American Expeditionary Force. While the US Manufacturers developed their own M1917 helmet and got production up to speed, very few of the M1917s made it to the Western Front before the Armistice. It was replaced by the M1917AI in the late 1930s - 1941 and the M1 helmet and liner was phased in 1941 - 1942.
  3. Hi all, I recently bought this brodie helmet and was wondering if it was identifiable? I have looked online but I haven't been able to find the G & C Liner mark. The only marking on the helmet is a faint letter N just above one of the strap clips. I believe the liner is dated 1942 f anyone can help that would be much appreciated Cheers
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