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  1. One badge, which has always been in my father's possession is the badge of the Australian Commonwealth Military Forces - a bronze example from WW1. It had belonged to his uncle - I think his name was Hughes, and he served in the Australian Army during WW1, unforunately, have no record of service. The second badge I purchased myself, a similar one had been worn by my uncle, John St.Claire Clarke, born in 1897 at The Cottage, Antrim. He had served with the North Irish Horse as a volunteer from 1915-1917, and had been invalided out, as far as I know. Unfortunately, I never saw any of his souvenirs of that service. My aunt always wanted to give me his medals and the two polished brass shellcases, which had been on the mantlepiece for many years. After my aunt passed away in 1979, we never came across said articles. Don't know what happened there. However, still have some of his papers, including a medical record from leaving Colonial Service in British West Africa, as a Colonial Officer, he had been infected with Malaria. That was in the 1920s in the postwar period. He was later an official in the Bank of England in London, thereafter, an official in local government offices in Stormont, N.I., until his retirement in 1962. The copies of the typed reference of service read: No.H./71701 Corporal Clarke, J.St.C. served in the unit under my command for a period of two years, duing that time he was Honest, Sober, and hardworking and a good disciplinarian; his educational qualities were very good, his conduct during the whole of his service was exemplary. (Signed) H. Maude, Colonel Commanding North Irish Horse Antrim, 4: 3: 1919 I always wanted to find out more about his service record. Apparently many records were destroyed during the "Blitz" in 1940. Some however have been restored, the damage was apparently not as total as originally estimated. I wonder which medals he had, possibly the War Medal, the Victory Medal, The 1914/15 Star, maybe the King's Badge and possibly more??? Does anyone perhaps have any more information on this subject? 2154 No overseas service * Enlisted 20 April 1916. Discharged 13 March 1918.
  2. Friedrich Duke of Schomberg served as a commander with various armies including that of Brandenburg. Finally in English services, he landed with William III. at Groomsport, and encamped below Bangor Castle, hence the legend of Schomberg's tree, which is still preserved and can be seen today. Schomberg fell at the Battle of the Boyne, and is entombed in St.Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin. Apart from that, visits can be made to Bangor's historical town museum, the beautifull park gardens contain a deck gun from a U-Boot captured in 1917. The ruins of Bangor Abbey are also nearby. Friedrich Herzog von Schomberg, 1641-1691 Schomberg's tree, Castle Park, Bangor/Co. Down Castle Park, Bangor Bangor Castle. The town hall and Museum are situated here
  3. At Bangor Castle, Ward Park, Bangor, Co. Down is the deck gun of the U-19, which was apparently captured by Commander Edward Bingham (1881-1939). His decorations are kept at Bangor Castle's historic museum, however, only copies (?) are on display, due to an attempted theft some years back. Bingham was awarded the VC and also the Order of St. Stanislaus 2nd Class with Swords by the Tsar in recognition of his part in the Battle of Jutland. Bingham also captured the U-9, and it's deck gun was later mounted in Bangor Castle Park in recognition of his services by the Admiralty. He also spent some time in a prisoner of war camp in Germany. Further information can be found under: http://www.vconline.org.uk/edward-b-s-bingham-vc/4585976882 Medals of Comander Bingham, including the VC the Order of St. Stanislaus, 2.class with swords The deck gun of the U-9 stands in the park in Bangor / Co. Down Ward Park, Bangor, photo from 1972 Bangor Castle facing the seafront The rear side of Bangor Castle
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